Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Why Online Article Marketers Need to Write Liberal Based Politically Correct Articles

Article marketers want to get the most click through, and thus, it makes sense to cater to the most amount of people.
If you write left-leaning politically correct articles they say you will offend the least amount of people.
After this election with President Obama won the popular vote with 53%; that means 47% of the people didn't vote for him and thus, rejected the socialist politically correct direction for our nation.
Although this is hardly a mandate, as the media would have you believe 53% is a larger number than 47%.
So, if online article marketers write articles that cater to the larger numbers they will benefit in two ways.
One, they will be targeting a larger audience, by 6%, not much, but ever bit makes a difference.
Secondly, your articles will be accepted easier by the editors at the top online article submission sites.
For instance, recently, I have been noting an out of the ordinary number of article rejections and the only reason can be the common sense, matter of fact, and right leaning skew of my articles.
You see, while everyone else is dancing around the reality, I'd rather hit the 47% of the folks that no one else online is catering to, because they are so afraid to offend the vocal minority and politically correct crowd.
Call me crazy for denying the left-leaning Internet readers my wisdom, but if they have the strength of character to face my well-thought out articles, they can indeed perhaps open their minds.
In fact, I consider it a public service to remind Internet readers that we live in the greatest nation in the world for a reason, free markets are much better than socialism, and political correct thinking is not opening your mind, it's closing it.
And I'll close with that, for now!

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