Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

All You Need To Know About What Causes Cold Sores

If you have ever wondered "what causes cold sores", than you have come to the right place.
The short answer is a virus known as Herpes Simplex type 1.
Since approximately 80% of the population are carriers of this pesky bug, it is very common to see people with a cold sore appearing on their lip.
Once you are infected, the virus will be in your system forever.
Fortunately, it lays dormant for long periods of time.
But then, something will trigger the cold sore virus to "wake up" out of dormancy and blossom into a sore on your lips.
Herpes Simplex Virus is a family of viruses classified as Herpesviridae.
There are two different classification of Herpes Simplex Virus: HSV-1 or HSV-2.
Even thought both of them may cause an infection, HSV-1 is the most common cause.
The clinical manifestation of HSV-1 and HSV-2 are a little bit different.
Generally speaking, HSV-1 causes infection above a person's midline such as an oral cold sore, while HSV-2 causes an infection below the midline such as genital herpes.
Usually, the virus is passed from individual to individual through contact with a person that already has the herpes simplex virus.
Contact can be through skin contact, such as kissing or the sharing of utensils, towels or other personal objects.
After the virus enters your body, through your skin, it will enter your nervous system, where it takes up residence and remains dormant.
At some point, certain things known as triggers will start the visible infection process.
These triggers include emotional upset, fatigue, injury, menstruation, strong sunlight, a cold, and a possible deficiency of certain amino acids, specifically lysine.
When the virus is triggered, it will create a burning, tingling sensation around the mouth before you can actually see the sore.
Hence, this is what causes cold sores! Another cause of cold sores is infection by herpes simplex virus-2.
Although it is much less common compared to HSV-1.
This virus may spread through sexual contact with a person that already has the virus.
Many people consider that the HSV-2 virus is more dangerous than HSV-1 because it may cause the infamous herpes genitalis disease.
So, besides painful blisters around your mouth you may also experience pain and blisters around the genital area.
Triggers for HSV-2 are very much the same as the aforementioned triggers for HSV-1.
While you may take every precaution possible to not contract the virus, it is still very difficult to avoid it completely because many people who are carriers of the virus, do not know what causes cold sores! As such, they are not as diligent about the care they need to take so as to not transmit the virus to an un-infected person.

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