Family & Relationships Weddings

Wedding Budget Tips and Wedding planning Tips

When considering a wedding, it is vital to prepare a budget for your plans.
With a little give and take and clarifying your resources as well as a good skill for organization and enlisting, the help of others who are near and dear to you will allow you to create your own dream wedding.
First you must make a list of ideas that you would like included in your wedding, then you shall begin by setting your priorities, this can be done by making lists of must haves as well as those items that are optional and those that are nice to be had for your wedding.
You should base your wedding budget on your funding, the availability of some items as well as your own creative resourcefulness.
You will need to determine the expense of each item that you are concerned for your wedding.
Keeping a wedding planner notebook will come in handy while it helps guide you in your wedding plans.
You should start by making a list of all things that the bride and groom want for their wedding.
A list of potential wedding guests as well as the food served and where the wedding will be held should be included as well as any plans for photography and bridal attire.
A couple must learn to manage their family finances and making a wedding budget is one of the best ways to being that path.
The fees for the sites of the ceremony and the reception will need to be noted as well as fees for the officiate along with the marriage license, food and drinks, wedding cake and favors and a few other items usually take up about fifty percent of the wedding budget.
With the rings and wedding attire plus flowers coming in close to twenty five percent of the budget.
Music and wedding photos and videography usually range with in the percentage of twenty percent of the budget.
Then all other items or areas concerning wedding stationary and transportation needs allotting to the other five percent.
There are many ways to save money while budgeting for a wedding, be sure to talk to any friends or relatives who may be able to help and be sure to at least offer to pay them as it will not make you appear to be begging their services for free.
You should also remember to ask the wedding caterer about discounts of the children's plates as this may save you a nice chunk of change to be used else where's.
Keep in mind as well that planning a wedding to be held any other day but Sunday will be a bit cheaper as well to marry between October and April will be sure to be of use while considering the wedding budget.
Overall, it is best for a wedding budget to be drawn up and then stuck with to help create a beautiful and eventful wedding.

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