Health & Medical Eating & Food

Tooheys New Review Rating

Manufacturer's Site

Tooheys New is one of Australia's most popular beers. It is a standard, clean, mass-produced lager.

The lager is clean and bright: golden-orange in color. Upon opening a bottle, it has a faint aroma of caramel, grains and malt. Breath that caramel deeply, though, as it's the last you'll smell of it.

The caramel isn't the only one who has mastered the disappearing act: the head which forms nicely on pouring, although it leaves remnants of lace around the glass, is gone by the second gulp.

And, yes, this is a gulping beer. This, like its arch rival, Vic Bitter, is a beer for quenching thirst on a hot, summer's day.

It is very drinkable in the way that all mass-produced lagers (think Budweiser) tend to be (although it is less sweet and more interesting than Budweiser). While I was drinking it, it at times gave me the impression of a Heinekeny, Grolshy Euro-lager and at other times had me likening it to Asahi or Sapporo.

It is moderately carbonated -- enough to be refreshing without getting in the way of gulping.

All in all, this beer achieves what it sets out to: it's not going to please lovers of Ales, but it will certainly do the business where nice cold beer is needed on a nice hot day.

As for it's rivalry with VB, the points go to Tooheys New. It is more aromatic and less metallic. It is very drinkable: a decent medium body, good carbonation, its finish clean without being crisp and not as sweet as its American counterparts like Bud.

Toohey's New isn't going to win any serious awards for taste or creativity, but if a mate handed me one I'd say "Thank you"...

and really mean it.

Manufacturer's Site

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