Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Cures For Hemorrhoids - Without Using Drugs Or Medication

There is a common misunderstanding among many people that hemorrhoids are dangerous and can often result in cancer.
This is not true as hemorrhoids are not cancerous.
They will not lead to cancer but they can result in rectum bleeding.
However, there are cures for hemorrhoids and they are available naturally and in an inexpensive manner too.
There are many natural cures for hemorrhoids that can give the sufferer immediate relief from the pain, itch, and the burning sensation that have been tormenting them for quite some time.
They are rather inexpensive and can be found in the local stores.
One of the prime causes of hemorrhoids is constipation.
It is during the hard bowel movements that the excessive external pressure exerted on the veins in the anus region that cause them to enlarge and later break.
This results in bleeding in the anus region.
Because of this, you should make sure you have an adequate intake of dietary fiber.
This can be obtained by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
You may also consider using fiber supplements if necessary.
Stool softeners can also help.
And drink lots of water.
Make it a point to drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day.
You may need to drink more during hot seasons or when you are frequently involved with physical activities that promote perspiration.
Together with the dietary fiber, water will promote a healthy digestive system that will prevent constipation.
Many of the cures for hemorrhoids come in the form of various herbal supplements.
They are easily available in the market.
You can safely consider using them without the need to worry about side effects.
One example is the apple cider vinegar.
It is very helpful and is one of the best natural cures for hemorrhoids.
You can apply some apple cidar vinegar on a cotton swab and apply it directly to the affected area.
This will promote shrinking and reduce the itch and pain.
It is preferable to use the vinegar at full strength.
However, if the application of the raw apple cider vinegar proves to be too irritating, then you can dilute it with some water before applying to the affected area.
The other natural cures for hemorrhoids are slippery elm bark, red root, peppermint and stone root.
Ginger juice is also helpful for curing hemorrhoids too.
The taking of hot tub baths is also effective in shrinking hemorrhoids and providing you with relief as well.

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