Health & Medical Hypertension

Prevention Measures for High Blood Pressure Patients

High blood pressure itself is not a disease but it can become the main root for causing many diseases.
Though any person can have problems related to blood pressure, there are certain precautions that one can take which can prevent hypertension.
Hypertension is the condition that arises when arteries constrict and blood flow becomes harder.
Under these conditions, the heart tries to work harder in order to get a proper blood flow all the way through the body.
Hence, pressure if left untreated can cause risk to vital organs.
The best thing to do is to try and prevent it.
Diet: Maintaining a healthy diet is really important.
A healthy diet is the one which consists of fruits, vegetables and grains.
Food rich in animal fat should be avoided and instead low fat meat should be consumed.
Diets that are high in salt should also be avoided as it has been seen that high amount of salt has negative impact on pressure.
Consumption of alcohol in limited amounts is permissible as it can actually help in lowering blood pressure.
But excess of alcohol is also equally dangerous as it can raise blood pressure besides causing the obvious damage to the body.
Drinks that consist of caffeine should also be reduced as caffeine can increase blood.
Tobacco consumption should be lowered if not stopped.
Smoking can increase the levels of pressure easily.
Weight, Exercise and Rest: Maintaining a normal weight which is in the range of your height is important.
Obesity is directly linked to the increase of high levels of pressure.
Exercise is a good way to keep you in shape.
Exercise doesn't exactly mean intensive workouts; a general walk of 30 minutes is enough to keep a check on your pressure and weight as well.
Resting is also important as inadequate amount of rest for the body can create stress which in turn results in increasing blood.
Medication: If a person has undergone a treatment for high pressure, then he or she should take care that even after their blood pressure is lowered and they start feeling normal, they should not stop the prescribed medication without consulting their physician.
It is also advised to use blood pressure monitors to keep a check on the pressure levels.
Hence we can say that just by making a few changes and living a healthy lifestyle, one can prevent or at the least reduce the chances of blood pressure troubles.

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