6 Natural Ways to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure measures how hard the blood pushes towards the walls of the arteries as it flows through your body.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) which is also known as the "Silent Killer" is a disease that millions of people are living with and are unaware of the hidden danger.
High blood pressure can cause damage to your heart, kidneys and eyes.
It can also cause strokes and many other problems if untreated.
Age, family history, being overweight, salty foods and lack of exercise can attribute to the rise in blood pressure in adults.
Children can also be affected with HBP for some of the same reasons.
These are the 2 numbers related to the pressure of blood in your body.
Systolic is the number that shows how hard your blood is being pushed throughout your body when your heart is pumping.
Diastolic is the number that shows how hard your blood is being pushed throughout your body between heartbeats when the heart is relaxed and filling up with blood.
The normal blood pressure for adults is 120/80.
If your blood pressure is higher than 140/90, this may be considered prehypertension and if not reduced or regulated naturally or with medication, it can lead to chronic Hypertension and more unfortunate ailments or diseases.
There are many different types of medications available that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that have lowered the level of HBP in many patients over the years but as many of us already know, medications generally have moderate to severe side effects that sometimes harm our bodies more than they are made to help.
Here are 6 natural ways to help reduce your blood pressure and maintain your levels as your body ages: Reduce your weight.
Being overweight has many disadvantages.
Exercise regularly in order to reduce your weight by 20 t0 30 pounds, that will gradually help decrease your blood pressure by alleviating the pressure from around your heart and other areas of your body.
Your mind and body will thank you for it.
Less Alcohol.
We all like to celebrate with a drink or two, maybe three but when it comes to your blood pressure, this is a definite road to disaster.
Try to limit your intake as best as you can.
Try Sparkling Apple Cider comes in an impressive bottle and offers the bubbles without the buzz.
Stay away from salt.
It is a chemical.
Just like sugar, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.
They can make our foods and beverages taste so good yet with excessive amounts, make our mind and body feel so bad.
When you begin to create your meals by whatever means you choose, leave out the salt, your tastebuds will gradually get used to the natural taste of the food and you will begin to appreciate the natural favor of each meal you create.
Eat Fresh.
Raw and frozen vegetables are your best bet.
Either way you like them, raw, steamed, boiled or roasted, they are filled with all of the best vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
The natural flavor of salt and sweetness will pour out of natures' finest foods, leaving you satisfied and secure.
Season your food with fresh lemon or lemon juice.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to reduce your blood pressure and also adds great flavor to your meat dishes and favorite vegetables and casseroles.
Dump the dairy and fatty foods.
There are so many cookbooks with recipes that are easy to follow, they show you ways to prepare great meals while you decrease the amount of dairy and fat from your diet.
Steer clear of fast foods and processed frozen foods as they are high in sodium and other unsafe ingredients that are disguise by the great taste.
Herbal and dietary supplements.
There are a large number of natural herbs available that if taken regularly, can possibly decrease your blood pressure such as, Dandelion Root, Chia Seeds and Black Cumin Seed Oil.
Visit your medical doctor for regular check-ups.
Seek the professional help of a Nutritionist or Dietitian in order to learn more about how to improve your daily regimen.
If possible, purchase your own Blood Pressure Monitor in order to check your blood pressure from home.
Start the process of lowering your blood pressure today in order to avoid having major problems in the future.
Pay it Forward.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) which is also known as the "Silent Killer" is a disease that millions of people are living with and are unaware of the hidden danger.
High blood pressure can cause damage to your heart, kidneys and eyes.
It can also cause strokes and many other problems if untreated.
Age, family history, being overweight, salty foods and lack of exercise can attribute to the rise in blood pressure in adults.
Children can also be affected with HBP for some of the same reasons.
These are the 2 numbers related to the pressure of blood in your body.
Systolic is the number that shows how hard your blood is being pushed throughout your body when your heart is pumping.
Diastolic is the number that shows how hard your blood is being pushed throughout your body between heartbeats when the heart is relaxed and filling up with blood.
The normal blood pressure for adults is 120/80.
If your blood pressure is higher than 140/90, this may be considered prehypertension and if not reduced or regulated naturally or with medication, it can lead to chronic Hypertension and more unfortunate ailments or diseases.
There are many different types of medications available that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that have lowered the level of HBP in many patients over the years but as many of us already know, medications generally have moderate to severe side effects that sometimes harm our bodies more than they are made to help.
Here are 6 natural ways to help reduce your blood pressure and maintain your levels as your body ages: Reduce your weight.
Being overweight has many disadvantages.
Exercise regularly in order to reduce your weight by 20 t0 30 pounds, that will gradually help decrease your blood pressure by alleviating the pressure from around your heart and other areas of your body.
Your mind and body will thank you for it.
Less Alcohol.
We all like to celebrate with a drink or two, maybe three but when it comes to your blood pressure, this is a definite road to disaster.
Try to limit your intake as best as you can.
Try Sparkling Apple Cider comes in an impressive bottle and offers the bubbles without the buzz.
Stay away from salt.
It is a chemical.
Just like sugar, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.
They can make our foods and beverages taste so good yet with excessive amounts, make our mind and body feel so bad.
When you begin to create your meals by whatever means you choose, leave out the salt, your tastebuds will gradually get used to the natural taste of the food and you will begin to appreciate the natural favor of each meal you create.
Eat Fresh.
Raw and frozen vegetables are your best bet.
Either way you like them, raw, steamed, boiled or roasted, they are filled with all of the best vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
The natural flavor of salt and sweetness will pour out of natures' finest foods, leaving you satisfied and secure.
Season your food with fresh lemon or lemon juice.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to reduce your blood pressure and also adds great flavor to your meat dishes and favorite vegetables and casseroles.
Dump the dairy and fatty foods.
There are so many cookbooks with recipes that are easy to follow, they show you ways to prepare great meals while you decrease the amount of dairy and fat from your diet.
Steer clear of fast foods and processed frozen foods as they are high in sodium and other unsafe ingredients that are disguise by the great taste.
Herbal and dietary supplements.
There are a large number of natural herbs available that if taken regularly, can possibly decrease your blood pressure such as, Dandelion Root, Chia Seeds and Black Cumin Seed Oil.
Visit your medical doctor for regular check-ups.
Seek the professional help of a Nutritionist or Dietitian in order to learn more about how to improve your daily regimen.
If possible, purchase your own Blood Pressure Monitor in order to check your blood pressure from home.
Start the process of lowering your blood pressure today in order to avoid having major problems in the future.
Pay it Forward.