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Author Interview: Ellen Dugan

Ellen Dugan is a Master Gardener and the author of a number of books on Paganism and Witchcraft, including Natural Witchery and How to Enchant a Man. Ellen was willing to take some time out of her busy schedule and answer some questions for us here at
Pagan/Wiccan Guide Patti Wigington: Ellen, I’d like to take a minute to thank you for answering questions for our readers at We’ve got a lot of people from some very diverse spiritual paths reading the blog.

In addition to practicing Wicca for many years, you're also a Master Gardener and accomplished herbalist. Can you tell us a little bit about the specifics of your path, and how your interest in herbs has influenced you? Ellen Dugan: Well, actually it was gardening and herbs that led me to where I am today. Classically I would be described as Eclectic, as I am self-taught and trained. I am known to my readers as the Garden Witch, which is a phrase I coined years ago when I wrote Garden Witchery. I define a Garden Witch as a practical down-to-earth type of practitioner. A Witch who is well versed in herbal knowledge and its uses, and is a magickal gardener. However, I am very comfortable identifying as a Natural Witch. As I stated in my book, Natural Witchery, “A Natural Witch is a person who senses the spirit or the magick in all things.” Guide Patti: Let's talk a bit about your books. In Garden Witchery: Magic from the Ground Up you go into a lot of detail about our connection to the natural world, both on the ground and in the heavens.

Do you think people are trying harder these days to reconnect with the earth, the way our ancestors did? What do you think is inspiring people to "get back to nature" as much as they can? Ellen Dugan: Yes, I do think average folks are starting to clue in and reconnect. You can’t turn on a television, or pick up a newspaper without seeing the phrase "Go green". It is suddenly in vogue to garden, work with native plants, to try and use less water and to conserve our natural resources, and this is a wonderful thing. Does it really matter that we in the Pagan/ Witch community have been on the environmental bandwagon for years? We can and do set examples and lead the way to encourage our neighbors and mundane communities to do the same. What does matter is that everyone is starting to work together to take better care of the planet. Guide Patti: When Elements of Witchcraft: Natural Magick for Teens came out in 2003, I thought it was a great resource not just for teens but for adults too, because you not only discussed the magic, but the hows and whys of what made it work. What inspired you to write a book aimed at teenagers who are learning about the Craft, and why did you do it in this way, instead of just putting together a "recipe book" of spells? Ellen Dugan: You know, it’s funny- but I get very interesting compliments on Elements of Witchcraft: Natural Magick for Teens from adults. When the book first came out in 2003 it was popular with the Teen Witches. Afterwards it was the adults who used it and realized that there were some pretty profound lessons in the book. It is a great tool for anyone regardless of their age, or magickal tradition to help them reconnect to the elements and to get a better handle on natural magick. The best compliment I ever received was from a ceremonial magician who picked the book up for his teenaged son, and ended up keeping it for himself (he bought his son another copy.) This gentleman sent me the sweetest letter telling me how excited he was, and that the book had helped him in a no nonsense way to re-connect and to work successfully with the natural elements. As to why I wrote the book? Well, at the time all three of my kids were in their teens. I wanted a good book for other teens that they could read, study, and use. I crafted a book that is honest, and filled with practical information that does not talk down to teens. Something that respects their intelligence and expects them to behave in a smart and honorable way. I felt it was time for some straight talk and some real life examples of natural magick and witchcraft. So that is exactly what I wrote.

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