Home & Garden Architecture

DIY: Advice on Laying Linoleum

    • 1). Remove all floor trim, coverings and other obstructions from the subfloor. Get the subfloor clean and dry.

    • 2). Lay two intersecting chalk snaplines across the floor, from wall to wall in two perpendicular directions. Use a carpenter's square to ensure the two lines are exactly perpendicular to each other.

    • 3). Spread tile adhesive over the middle of the floor, covering the intersection in a wide enough area to encompass four floor tiles. You will still be able to see the lines through the adhesive.

    • 4). Set four tiles in the four corners of the intersection, in the adhesive. Press the edges of the tiles against one another. Press them down tightly.

    • 5). Apply more adhesive and set more tiles in place. Work outward from the center of the floor toward the walls, first along the lines and then building across the rest of the floor.

    • 6). Lay all the full tiles that will fit. Let them set overnight.

    • 7). Measure and cut the partial tiles by the walls with a vinyl tile cutter. Set the tiles in adhesive as before. Let the whole floor set for another 24 hours.

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