How to Change Your Social Security Information Online
- 1). Apply for a Social Security password request code on the "Password Services" page of the Social Security Administration's website. Click the "Get a Temporary Password Request Code" button, click "Continue" to move through the informational pages and accept the privacy statement which guarantees your information is secure and confidential. Enter your personal information when prompted, submitting your request for a code to the SSA.
- 2). Return to the "Password Services" page once you receive the letter containing your password request code. Click the "Create Your Permanent Password" button, accepting the privacy statement again and entering your information when prompted. Enter the code contained in the letter and the password you wish to use for the Social Security website's online services. Use a combination of letters and numbers when creating your password to ensure security.
- 3). Navigate to the "Change of Address" page on the Social Security website. Click the "Use My Social Security Password to Change My Address" button, agreeing to the online services acknowledgment statement when prompted.
- 4). Enter your Social Security number and password when prompted, then click "Continue." Enter the changes to your mailing address and telephone number when prompted, submitting them to the Social Security Administration after confirming the information is correct.