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Playing Fast Guitar - Learn Important Tips to Amp Up Your Playing Speed

If you've been playing the guitar for awhile and can't seem to get anymore speed on your licks, don't worry because this happens to almost every guitarist.
Some guitarists just have more time than others to hash out these skills while you're left there wishing you could play faster.
As much as it might seem very difficult playing fast guitar, you can do it too by practicing hard and smart.
Here are some very important tips to get your fingers moving faster the next time you're scaling the guitar neck.
Strengthen your forearms.
A lot of the muscles that power your guitar-playing comes from your fingers, but the rest comes from your forearms.
Do a few exercises or start lifting to really get those muscles shaped for faster riffs.
Do other finger-intensive exercises.
Playing fast guitar might be in your mind when the instrument is in your hand, but there are plenty of other things that can improve your finger movement throughout the day.
Take up some other skills that involve intensive finger movement like typing or playing the piano in order to keep your fingers working hard.
Practice online typing tests.
Sure you can test your speed on the guitar with a metronome, but have you ever thought about taking it to the internet? Hype up your typing skills and start using typing tests to measure the speed of your fingers because god knows how often we're all on the computer these days! 4.
Try to keep from cracking your knuckles.
Cracking your knuckles can lead to medical problems in your hands and wrists once you get into your twilight years.
Try to stop it if you want your hands to stay flexible and healthy for optimum playing speed.
Practice electric parts on the acoustic guitar.
Maybe you have a couple riffs that you're playing somewhat fast on the guitar.
Transfer them over to the acoustic and try your hand.
Your muscles will learn to adapt to the harsher conditions of the acoustic while the speed of playing on the electric guitar will slowly begin to increase.
Set reasonable speed goals.
You can't expect to reach goals that sound absolutely crazy and that's most of the reason guitarists give up on themselves.
Set goals that are challenging, but possible to ensure you stay on track with your skills.
It's a hard business to start playing faster guitar riffs, but it can be accomplished by dedicating yourself to every practice and being consistent with your strategies.
Put these 6 tips to the test and see if you can start increasing your guitar speed.

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