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Interesting Bowling Facts And Pointers

Bowling is a very popular pastime and can lead to making great friends through leagues and events. It is remarkably inexpensive and can definitely give you more time with your family. Everyone can bowl even if the scores do not reflect it. But if you want to improve your game or just want to find out more about this interesting hobby, you have come to the right place. Following are some interesting bowling facts and trivia you might not have been aware of.

What is bowling? It's actually a very simple game at its basic premise. You roll a ball down a flat surface to knock pins down. Scoring is based on how many pins you knock down and whether you get them all knocked down. That is pretty much the entire concept of the game. But the sport has evolved greatly over the centuries. The typical game you would play at your local alley is significantly different than the one the Ancient Egyptians played. It is a sport and a hobby that almost everyone is familiar with and maybe has played a few games or two.

Is it a game found in other areas of the world? Consider this: there are over 100 million people in over 90 different countries that enjoy this game. That should tell you quite a lot. Of course bowling goes by different terms depending on where you are located. And the rules can be as different as the techniques used to play the game. Some games are held indoors and some are specifically designed to play outside on a lawn. There is: Bocce, Petanque, Irish road bowling, lawn bowling and even Cherokee marbles. And even in the United States and Canada there are different variations according to the pins. You can play: tenpin, ninepin, candlepin, fivepin or even duckpin.

My league would like to hold a tournament. How can we make this happen? If your league is interested in holding a bowling tournament there are some things you need to do in preparation of the event. The first is booking a local bowling alley. You may have to wait on a date because usually alleys only have certain lanes dedicated to tournaments at certain times of the month. Once you have your dates booked then you need to start posting advertisements. You definitely want to post a flyer at the alley. You can decide before you post the flyers how you are going to pay for the cost of the rental and for the trophies. Most tournaments have an entry fee per team so you can easily ask around for general information. After that you just have to prepare for the event. Most tournaments give out t-shirts and prizes. If you have enough contestants the prize money and the assorted other costs will be taken care of with all of the entry fees.

Who are some of the top bowling professionals in the sport? The great thing about bowling is that there is as many famous male bowlers as there are women. In the men's category you have: Mitch Beasley, Chris Barnes, Patrick Allen, Ritchie Allen and Brad Angelo. In the woman's division you have: Diandra Asbaty, Lynda Barnes, Amanda Beck, Missy Bellinder and Tammy Bommershine. And those are just from the PBA Bowlers. Each organization has its own list of top bowlers in the sport.

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