Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids - The Right Method For You

Hemorrhoids or piles as they are otherwise known can cause discomfort and irritability in those who suffer from them.
Most cases will only be mild and can be healed without seeking medical advice but for some the condition will require the advice of a medical professional and at times, surgery.
The right method for how to get rid of hemorrhoids will depend from person to person and on the severity of the condition.
A change in lifestyle could be all it takes for the majority of hemorrhoid sufferers to overcome their problem.
Most cases of hemorrhoids are brought on by a bad diet and constipation which makes you strain when going to the toilet.
If you just add more fiber to your diet and make sure you are drinking plenty of water then you might find that stools are easier to pass and hemorrhoids will no longer be an issue.
There are no side effects to adding more fiber to the diet and it can help with other related health issues.
The only downside to this method is that it will not be enough to permanently cure and heal more serious cases of hemorrhoids.
When the irritation and discomfort around the anus becomes too much there are certain creams and suppositories which can give relief.
They will not prevent the hemorrhoids from becoming worse and cannot be relied on as a treatment alone.
Creams and/or suppositories are purely used as a short-term relief to the discomfort and itching that hemorrhoids can bring on in sufferers.
Always read the information provided with treatment to make sure you are adhering to the suggested application methods - some should not be used for longer than a week.
Banding and injections are two other ways of how to get rid of hemorrhoids.
Banding is when a rubber band is tied around the base of the hemorrhoid so that it is cut off from its blood supply.
The injection uses a chemical that when inserted into the vein will cause it to collapse and the hemorrhoid to shrivel up.
Both of these methods will usually have a positive result within one week of treatment but might not be adequate with the treatment of more severe cases of piles in which surgery is the only answer.
Surgery for hemorrhoids is usually one of the following methods: Hemorrhoidectomy - hemorrhoids are surgically removed.
Stapling - hemorrhoids are raised back into the rectum and stapled in such a way that the blood supply is restricted and they will shrink in size.
Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation Operation - blood vessels which supply the hemorrhoids will be surgically sealed, allowing less blood to pass and the piles to decrease in size.
It is important to remember that in any case of hemorrhoids - whether mild or severe, you must take positive steps towards leading a healthier lifestyle which will prevent its re-occurrence.
Always seek medical advice if you fear that your condition can not be treated at home and remember the advice given here about how to get rid of hemorrhoids.

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