Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - How to Find Solutions

Bleeding hemorrhoids can be a frightening experience.
The sight of blood on toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl usually sends alarm bells ringing in your head.
The first thought will probably be that you have a dreadful disease.
If you have any kind of rectal bleeding, the first thing you need to do is see your doctor for a diagnosis.
Most likely, your doctor will say that you are suffering from hemorrhoids, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.
Then, you need to focus on ridding your system of hemorrhoids because if you don't, they will most likely continue to worsen, and you will become a candidate for surgery.
Usually, the bleeding is painless and the first sign that you have internal hemorrhoids.
These hemorrhoids are painless because nerve endings are not as prevalent internally as they are on your skin.
However, if the hemorrhoids continue to worsen, you will probably experience itching, burning, and pain.
Constipation is often the cause of hemorrhoids forming because the bowel movement irritates the veins as it passes through the rectum.
If you can stop the constipation, you can ease or completely clear-up the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
You can do several things to relieve the bleeding:
  • Start drinking a lot more water during the day, at least, six to eight glasses.
    Hard stool in the rectum inflames the rectal veins, and water will help soften the feces.
  • Eat more fiber with your meals.
    Fiber acts as a sponge to absorb more liquid and gives bulk to the stool, making it pass through the digestive tract easier.
  • Eat meals at regular times and choose healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits.
    In our modern society, mealtime is often hurried or eaten on the run while consuming bloated calories.
    Make an effort to keep your digestive system on a schedule.
  • Take food supplements that contain herbs which will aid your vascular and digestive system.
    Butcher's broom, stone root, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, red root, and peppermint all have natural curative powers.
  • Cleanse the rectum with a rectal bulb filled with water to flush out impurities and toxins.
As with any wound, the hemorrhoid tissue will take time to heal properly.
Hopefully, if you start making these changes in your life as soon as you are diagnosed by your doctor, you will not need to make another appointment to surgical correct your bleeding hemorrhoids.

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