Travel & Places United States

How to go to Yellowstone National Park

    The Many Entrances

    • 1). You can drive through the West Entrance to Yellowstone from the third Friday in April to the first Sunday in November. From Dec. 15 to March 15 only commercially guided snowcat and snowmachine access provided there is sufficient snowpack. The nearest town access is West Yellowstone, Montana.

    • 2). The East Entrance is open to private vehicle traffic between the third Friday in April to the first Sunday in November. From Dec. 22 to March 1 commercial, guided snowcats and snowmachines are the only vehicles allowed access.

    • 3). The North Entrance is the only park entry with year-round vehicle access. To use it, start in Gardiner, Mont.

    • 4). The South Entrance is open to private vehicles from the second Friday in May to the first Sunday in November.

    • 5). If you plan to fly to Yellowstone, the airports in Cody and Jackson, Wyoming, are the best options for reaching the South and East Entrances to the park. Bozeman and Billings, Montana, airports are the closest for the North Entrance, with Idaho Falls serving the South and West Entrances.

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