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Understanding Three Day Horse Eventing

The relationship between man and horse can go back in time to the middle ages and farther.
Horses were used in battle, in sport, and for transportation.
Now horses are mostly used for racing or competing, and showing.
For those of you who are confused about three day horse eventing, I will answer all your questions by breaking it down into each days competition.
Day 1: The first and most important day of the competition is Dressage.
This is the day in which will get you in the rankings for the next two events the previous days.
Dressage takes place in a 30 by 90 foot course and has the letters AKEHCMBF placed statistically around the ring.
You this perform movements based on the letters in the course.
The judges then judge you on each move and you are given a score.
Day 2: This is the second day of competition, cross-country jumping.
This consists of jumping over all natural fences.
It can be anything from a log, a river, or a hedge.
You follow a course, usually jumping anything from 15-30 jumps over a span of 2-3 miles.
You are judged on how many refusals(stops) made by your horse, and of course judged on how close you get to the optimal time.
Day 3: This is the last day of 3-day eventing.
This is show-jumping.
Here you are given a course, much like cross-country, however, you are inside an enclosed arena and are being judged over every fence.
If you hit a jump and the rail falls of you get -3 points, if your horse stops at a fence you get -4 points.
Your points are all added up and the lowest score at the end of the weekend wins.

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