How to Photograph Butterflies in a Butterfly House
- 1). Check with the butterfly house or the zoo for any rules about using a tripod.
- 2). Choose a good time to take your pictures. Early mornings, lights evenings or bright cloudy days will provide the best light.
- 3). Select film with a good color saturation to bring out the bright colors of the butterflies. Kodak slide film labeled S, VS or SW; Fuji Provia and Velvia slide film; and Agfa Ultra 50 print film have color saturation capabilities.
- 4). Use a film best suited for the lighting, such as a slower film (ASA or ISO 100 or 200). These films are good for outdoor shooting, and enlargements will not be grainy.
- 5). Use a flash to fill in any shadows on your main subject.
- 6). Take a monopod or tripod if the butterfly house allows it. A tripod will allow you to slow your shutter speed for the most color and texture saturation. You can also hand-hold your camera. Try to be as steady as possible and use higher shutter speeds such as 1/125 or more.
- 7). Choose a 1:1 macro lens for very close shots, or a zoom lens with extension tubes or a close-up lens to fill most of your frame with the butterfly.
- 8). Experiment with a few filters, such as enhancers and polarizers. An enhancer will make those red, yellows and oranges really pop. Use a polarizer on a very sunny day to take some of the glare off your subject - it will also help make those colors jump out at you.