Top 3 Causes of Hemorrhoids
The causes of hemorrhoids are attributed to basically anything that puts tension on your rectal veins.
Many people don't know that this ailment is actually affecting more victims than they can imagine.
These are the 3 prime factors.
Fiber-Lacking Diet Western diets are most often equated to this category.
Lack of fiber is probably one of the most notorious contributors to hemorrhoids.
A typical person's daily fiber intake is 10g in estimation, but in reality, you actually need 30g to meet your body's requirements.
You know that you are seriously lacking fiber if your meals hardly incorporate any fruits and greens.
By the term "vegetables", that means fresh, green leafy ones (not french fries!).
And by the term "fruits", we're referring to fresh, raw fruits, not canned fruit and processed fruit juice! Although fiber does not assist your body's nourishment, it facilitates your food passage through bowel by adding bulk to the mass, particularly the insoluble one.
It also comes with many other health advantages like slowing down the release of sugar, and preventing you from overeating.
In the absence of fiber, you will end up constipating as your bowel will have trouble moving your food.
The tissues inside your rectum will be susceptible to swell into hemorrhoids, as you must apply more force to pass out your stools.
Becoming a Mother Females have very high probabilities of developing hemorrhoids when they are expecting.
This is one of more dominant factors as well.
The weight of the child inside the uterus puts an enormous load of pressure on the rectal veins, blocking its blood flow and making them swell.
For those who had this illness prior to pregnancy, the condition will be aggravated.
In fact, numerous female sufferers of hemorrhoids are pregnant and postpartum moms.
The body will also secrete burgeoning levels of progesterone hormone in order to construct a suitable internal environment for the growth of the child, and relaxes the mother's mind.
Unfortunately, the muscles in the bowel will also be eased by this hormone, thus makes the mother constipate and result in piles.
In addition, the process of the childbirth itself likely causes the veins in the anal canal to be badly strained.
Delivery of the child particularly pressurizes all the body muscles, especially the rectal ones, which is likely to injure the tissues and make them swell into hemroids as well.
Mothers who did not face hemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get it after the labor period.
The high quantities of progesterone left behind after pregnancy can still lead to constipation as their bowel habits are affected.
Stationary Living Habits What we are referring to here is the life of constantly being seated.
Most of our jobs today require us to sit at a desk throughout the entire day, working at the computer, reading and writing documents.
Even our time at home is as equally motionless as work, whereby we simply sit and stare at the computer or television all the time.
Sitting puts the pressure of the entire upper body on our buttocks, including the tissues in the anal canal.
These delicate tissues will eventually succumb to this prodigious magnitude of tension in the long run, and swell into the form of hemorrhoids.
This thus goes to show why more than 10,000,000 Americans are facing this problem, even right now! Although we are prone to hemorrhoids, it can fortunately be treated.
Visit Fix Hemroids now to find out more on how to cure hemorrhoids!
Many people don't know that this ailment is actually affecting more victims than they can imagine.
These are the 3 prime factors.
Fiber-Lacking Diet Western diets are most often equated to this category.
Lack of fiber is probably one of the most notorious contributors to hemorrhoids.
A typical person's daily fiber intake is 10g in estimation, but in reality, you actually need 30g to meet your body's requirements.
You know that you are seriously lacking fiber if your meals hardly incorporate any fruits and greens.
By the term "vegetables", that means fresh, green leafy ones (not french fries!).
And by the term "fruits", we're referring to fresh, raw fruits, not canned fruit and processed fruit juice! Although fiber does not assist your body's nourishment, it facilitates your food passage through bowel by adding bulk to the mass, particularly the insoluble one.
It also comes with many other health advantages like slowing down the release of sugar, and preventing you from overeating.
In the absence of fiber, you will end up constipating as your bowel will have trouble moving your food.
The tissues inside your rectum will be susceptible to swell into hemorrhoids, as you must apply more force to pass out your stools.
Becoming a Mother Females have very high probabilities of developing hemorrhoids when they are expecting.
This is one of more dominant factors as well.
The weight of the child inside the uterus puts an enormous load of pressure on the rectal veins, blocking its blood flow and making them swell.
For those who had this illness prior to pregnancy, the condition will be aggravated.
In fact, numerous female sufferers of hemorrhoids are pregnant and postpartum moms.
The body will also secrete burgeoning levels of progesterone hormone in order to construct a suitable internal environment for the growth of the child, and relaxes the mother's mind.
Unfortunately, the muscles in the bowel will also be eased by this hormone, thus makes the mother constipate and result in piles.
In addition, the process of the childbirth itself likely causes the veins in the anal canal to be badly strained.
Delivery of the child particularly pressurizes all the body muscles, especially the rectal ones, which is likely to injure the tissues and make them swell into hemroids as well.
Mothers who did not face hemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get it after the labor period.
The high quantities of progesterone left behind after pregnancy can still lead to constipation as their bowel habits are affected.
Stationary Living Habits What we are referring to here is the life of constantly being seated.
Most of our jobs today require us to sit at a desk throughout the entire day, working at the computer, reading and writing documents.
Even our time at home is as equally motionless as work, whereby we simply sit and stare at the computer or television all the time.
Sitting puts the pressure of the entire upper body on our buttocks, including the tissues in the anal canal.
These delicate tissues will eventually succumb to this prodigious magnitude of tension in the long run, and swell into the form of hemorrhoids.
This thus goes to show why more than 10,000,000 Americans are facing this problem, even right now! Although we are prone to hemorrhoids, it can fortunately be treated.
Visit Fix Hemroids now to find out more on how to cure hemorrhoids!