Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Chlamydia Symptoms in Men - Detection and Treatment

Chlamydia is a type of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) brought about by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
Chlamydia is the most prevalent STD in the United States, infecting more than one million people, not counting those who are not aware that they have the disease.
The total number of infected individuals is probably higher, since many people do not manifest the symptoms of the disease.
Significance 1.
Chlamydia is relatively easy to treat.
However, it is hard to diagnose especially in males.
Around half of infected men do not show the symptoms of the disease and are not being regularly tested for Chlamydia.
Moreover, 75 percent of women do not show symptoms that is why the disease is easily transmitted to unsuspecting partners.
In rare cases, infected men can become sterile, as well as have other complications such as arthritis if Chlamydia is not diagnosed and given proper treatment.
Identification 2.
Chlamydia symptoms in men, when detected or noticed, include a watery or whitish discharge from the penis and a painful, burning sensation when urinating.
The tip of the penis may be sore and red.
If the infection is acquired through anal sex, the rectum may bleed or emit a discharge, as well as feel a burning sensation.
When acquired through oral sex, it can cause a red and sore throat.
Symptoms may occur one to three weeks after catching the infection.
Symptoms brought about by undiagnosed and untreated Chlamydia that has spread through the person's body may include skin rash, arthritis, and eye infection and inflammation (conjunctivitis).
Going to select STD clinics can help prevent the likelihood of passing the disease to others as well as getting early treatment for the disease.
Prevention/Cure 3.
Like prevention from any other STD, abstinence is still the most effective way to prevent it.
Also, having sexual intercourse with only one partner who does not have Chlamydia is also a preventive measure.
Condoms can aid in reducing the risk of infection, however, they are not 100 percent effective.
During oral sex, use of dental dams would be a big help.
These are small, plastic sheets which dentists use for tooth fillings.
Using condoms during anal sex would also prevent infection.
For people diagnosed with Chlamydia, single dose or using antibiotics for one week will cure the infection.
Considerations 4.
Untreated Chlamydia in men can lead to Reiter's syndrome, which is a combination of disorders.
The symptoms of this disease include arthritis which affects the hands, feet, and knees, and also causes conjunctivitis.
Reiter's also causes rash which look like small, hard bumps on the foot soles or palms, or small, pointed sores located on the penis.
It can also bring about inflammation of the prostate gland and cardiovascular problems.
Reiter's syndrome occurs rarely and more men are affected than women.
Warning 5.
Chlamydia can progress to chronic inflammation of the urethra and epididymis (epididimytis) in men.
The epididymis is the tube within the scrotum near the testicles and is where the sperm mature and are stored before ejaculation.
Epididymitis causes swelling and pain in the scrotum as well as fever.
Infertility may result if left untreated.
Chlamydia infection is the most common culprit that causes epididymitis in men under 35 years old.

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