The Effects of Biofreeze Compared to Ice
- Ice does not seem to work as quickly as cubes image by Karin Lau from
Biofreeze is the trade name of a topical analgesic designed for use instead of ice, especially for use by athletes who are suffering from pain and injury related to exercise and training. This application uses Ilex, an herbal extract, along with other ingredients to provide an icy feeling designed to numb pain and provide lasting relief. Trainers and others may be interested in Biofreeze, but curious if it is worth spending the extra money for something ice also appears to do. - Robert Topp, a Professor from the University of Louisville, presented findings in 2009 that showed Biofreeze did in fact decrease blood flow more quickly than ice. Specifically, he discovered that on average Biofreeze appeared to slow radial artery blood flow in about five minutes, while ice took as long as 20 minutes to perform the same action.
- Duration comparisons between Biofreeze and ice have been debated. Topp's study found that the effects of ice tended to last longer when reducing blood flow, but a 2009 study conducted by Barton Bishop, a physical therapist and doctor, showed that in most cases the effects of Biofreeze lasted as long as ice, if not longer. Both experts agree that more research should be done on the subject.
- Biofreeze comes in a cream that is much easier to apply than ice, leading to swift application that takes less time and can be done more easily during competitions. Ice requires thermal barriers, bags, and of course bandages or hands to keep it applied to the surface of the skin.
- Ice creates a lot of moisture, through both melting and condensation, which has a dampening effect on the skin. Depending on where the injury took place, this could be a moot point, an annoyance, or affect the athlete's ability to continue training or participating in a game. Biofreeze dries within several minutes and does not moisten the skin like ice does.
- Ice must be placed on and then removed from the skin to avoid damage--most trainers recommend 15 to 20 minutes. Longer, and the skin can be damaged from the cold. Biofreeze does not affect the skin in the same way and does not damage any layer of tissue. It can be applied up to four times a day.