Business & Finance Social Media

Yet Another Social Media Marketing Faux Pas

Wow, some of the marketers out there just won't let me get away from this topic of proper social media marketing etiquette.
Well, I'm gonna tell ya, I will keep on calling these things out the more you keep doing them and even more so when they're done directly to ME! Not to shame anyone (I'll never mention names) but rather to hopefully get my fellow marketers to wake UP and do this thing right! So today (and when I say, "today", I mean 4/10/2010) I was expressing in my Facebook status that I was so very amazed and impressed with the results I had obtained from a can of the energy drink that my primary company just so happens to offer.
Now granted, I did NOT mention that it was from my company, but who cares...
what happened just should not have happened, period! I posted the little status update talking about how I had only gotten about 2 hours of sleep, drank a can of the energy drink at about 10 a.
and noticed that at around 3:15 p.
I was neither tired nor sleepy.
I go away and come back to see that a young lady marketer posted a reply asking me if my energy drink was as healthy as the one her company (which will remain nameless) is and that it doesn't get any healthier than hers, blah blah blah.
Now THAT alone would NOT have been a problem.
But she then posted a link to her company website.
WTH?? I'm a marketer...
I'm a Network Marketer and it's not a secret on my Facebook page.
So why would you post a link to YOUR company on another fellow marketer's post/wall? So I wrote her a NICE reply and basically said that, "Yes, my energy drink is healthy and natural too...
but please do not post links on my wall or wall post.
" and I went on to say how it's not polite, I would never do that to her, that I'm not up for playing the "mine is better than yours" game.
Apparently she got pissed off because she replied saying how she was just asking a question and inviting me to take a look at her product (ummm...
isn't that pitching??) and that she had no problem deleting her posts...
which she promptly did.
I ALSO noticed that I was one friend short LOL.
She removed herself from my friends list...
that's perfectly fine.
But the bottom line here folks is this...
When you are on social media platforms such as Facebook, etc.
do NOT post direct links to your company on other people's posts or wall UNLESS REQUESTED that you do so...
for example: if someone were to say, "Hey, can anyone out there recommend a really good, all natural energy drink that doesn't cause a major crash & burn?" Then yes, by all means share with that individual what you have to offer! But otherwise, keep it to yourself or post about it on your OWN status/wall.
That's the problem with marketers on social media sites...
they are not doing the things they should be doing such as making connections, offering value and solutions and being professional.
Instead they are doing everything they should NOT be doing and making a bad name for those of us who are trying to salvage the bad rap our industry has had slapped upon it.

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