How to Make an Unreal 3 Map
- 1). Open the Unreal Tournament 3 Editor. Click "File" then "New." Choose "Additive" geometry. Next, you need to change the editor's view for more efficient editing. Click "View" and then "Viewport Configuration." Click "1 x 2 Split."
- 2). Click the "Unlit" button so that you can edit the level before adding ambient lighting. Click the red square on your 2-dimensional screen. Click "Geometry Mode." Click "Edge." Using the arrows on the blue 2-dimensional square, create the room in your level. You can drag the arrows to make the cube into a rectangle or other geometric shapes. You can also change the shape of the room by dragging the corners of the 2-dimensional square. Click "CSG: Add" to create the room in your level.
- 3). Shrink the size of the red 2-dimensional square by dragging the red arrow so that it is slightly within the blue square. Click "CSG: Substract" to create a space for movement inside the room.
- 4). Right click on the ground inside the room. Click "Add Actor," then "Add Light." Activate the "Lit Mode" button. Move the light to a position in the upper portion of the room. Click "Build Lighting" to process the lighting for the room.
- 5). Right click on the floor. Click "Add Actor," then "Add PlayerStart." Save your work. To test the level, click "Play in Editor." You have now created your first basic Unreal Tournament 3 level.