Technology Software

How to Create a Signature Logo

    Using Paint

    • 1). Open Paint, click the Paint button in the top-left corner of the window and select "Properties." Change the "Width" and "Height" boxes to the preferred logo size, such as "4" and "3" respectively. Select "Inches" under the "Units" column and click the "OK" button.

    • 2). Click a small colored square from the "Colors" section for the signature logo color. Leave black as the default if preferred.

    • 3). Click the "Brushes" button on the ribbon/toolbar. Select "Calligraphy brush 1." Click the "Size" button and choose the thinnest/top line.

    • 4). Position the cursor over the white Paint workspace and sign the signature.

    • 5). Click the Paint button and select "Save As." Type a name for the signature logo. Choose "GIF" as the "Save as type" and save the logo to the computer.

    Using Photoshop

    • 1). Open Photoshop, click the "File" menu and select "New." Type "SignatureLogo" into the "Name" box. Type the logo dimensions, such as "5" in the "Width" box and "2" in the "Height" box. Select "inches" from the drop-down menu for each. Pull down the "Background Contents" menu and select "Transparent." Click the "OK" button. When the small workspace opens, click the "View" menu at the top of the screen and select "Fit on Screen" to give yourself more room to draw.

    • 2). Double-click the top-left square of the "Color Picker," the two overlapping colored boxes at the bottom of the "Tools" pane on the left side of the screen. Choose an ink color such as black or blue and click "OK."

    • 3). Click the "Brush Tool," which looks like a paintbrush in the middle of the "Tools" pane. Pull down the brush menu on the toolbar at the top of the screen. It is not labeled, but it is the second option from the left and has a small number and a small drop-down arrow. Select a solid, round brush head and move the "Size" slider to "1."

    • 4). Position the paintbrush on the "SignatureLogo" box and draw the signature.

    • 5). Click the "File" menu and select "Save As." Pull down the "Format" menu and select "GIF." Save the logo to the computer.

    Using Publisher

    • 1). Open Publisher and click the "Blank 11 x 8.5" button on the "Available Templates" screen. When the Publisher workspace opens, resize the page by clicking the "Page Design" tab at the top of the screen and selecting the "Size" button below the tab. Click "Page Setup." Type new dimensions into the "Width" and "Height" boxes, such as "5" for each. Click the "OK" button and Publisher resizes and zooms in the workspace.

    • 2). Click the "Insert" tab at the top of the screen. Select the "Shapes" button on the ribbon/toolbar below the tab. Click the "Squiggle" button, a squiggly line at the end of the "Lines" section. The cursor turns into a pencil.

    • 3). Draw the signature on the Publisher logo workspace. A box forms around the signature and an orange "Drawing Tools" tab opens at the top of the screen.

    • 4). Hover the cursor over the different colors in the "Shape Styles" section of the ribbon/toolbar to change the ink color of the signature for the logo.

    • 5). Click the "File" tab. Select "Save As." Type a name for the logo, select "GIF" as the "Save as Type" and save it to the computer.

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