Home & Garden Architecture

Ensuite Bathroom Ideas


    • Since the ensuite bathroom by it's very nature belongs to a specific bedroom, it is not necessary to provide the same level of separation between the bathroom and the bedroom as with other bathroom. Use a partial wall to separate the wet space from the dry space. A wall that only connects to the floor and the ceiling and not the walls of the room can allow for a good flow in the room for occupants getting ready for their day or night time events.


    • If you have a smaller space to work with, such as if you are converting a standard room into a bedroom and ensuite bathroom combination, consider using glass to delineate the two spaces. If you are concerned about privacy, use frosted, textured or etched glass for the ensuite bathroom. A glass sink matching the glass walls can tie the space together visually.

    Raised Floor

    • If you really want to make the bedroom seem more separated from the bathroom, use a raised floor. Any typical bathroom flooring can work for a raised bathroom floor. Keep in mind that if your ensuite bathroom is for a bed and breakfast or a rental property, the bathroom won't be wheelchair accessible.

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