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How to Use the USP Monograph

    • 1). Look at the monograph for a prescription drug that you have at home. Take, for example, Paroxetine Hydrochloride, a well known antidepressant, otherwise known as Paxil.

    • 2). Read the list of chemical ingredients in the upper right-hand portion of the monograph, just below the "Paroxetine Hydrochloride" title.

    • 3). Read the "Definition" section to understand the chemical concoction of the drug. Examine the "Identification" section to note how the drug is used.

    • 4). Review the "Assay" section to determine the precise procedures for using the drug. Read through the section to identify specific solution suitability levels, preparation instructions and charts.

    • 5). Examine the "Impurities" section to identify all organic and inorganic impurities in the drug. Read through the section to identify procedures for reducing impurity levels as well.

    • 6). Read the "Additional Requirements" section --- in the bottom left corner of the monograph --- to note packaging and storing, labeling and USP reference standards for the drug.

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