Technology Software

Make Business Process more reliable and efficient through process documentation software

Creating an adequate understanding of any business processing atmosphere is serious to performing interior audit assessments. The document will illustrate the methods; give a process flow example and supervision on basics to be integrated. Documenting an understanding of a process, related controls, and key roles and responsibilities can be attained through process narratives and flow charts. Both of these documentation techniques assist internal audit teams and those responsible for the processes to establish a common understanding of a process and process documentation software play the major role implement both techniques efficiently.

Process documentation software normally comprises a business process summary, detailed process narrative, and a process flow diagram. Most of the leading process documentation tool contains powerful flowchart applications which work well in various business processes. Each flow diagram should comprise a legend of shapes used and other clarifications.  In addition, the flow diagram will have a catalog of risks and a separate catalog of recognized controls that associate to them on the process flow.  Also, notice the extended horizontal lines that divide the processing departments included in the overall process.  These "swim lanes" represent who is accountable for an action or conclusion.

Few steps for design and documents of business process are:
  • Business users and process participants are interviewed to gather the data about what are all the steps in the process.
  • Process flow is designed in the process modeling tool.
  • facts about every process activities are also recognized and documented in the process modeling tool, such as: Names of all process participants, what are the inputs to that activity, outputs of the
  • Activity, what applications and systems are accessed, any business rules that are applied, what are the possible errors, how are the errors handled, how long does it take to execute that step etc.
  • Decision nodes in the process model are identified and routing rules are documented.
  • All the information is come into the process modeling tool to create a view of "as-is" process
  • Simulation may be run to authenticate with the business users that the as-is" process is correctly captured


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