How to Plant Shasta Daisies
- 1). Use a pitchfork to turn over the soil, down to a 12-inch depth, before planting shasta daisies after the spring thaw. These babies need fine soil to spread their roots.
- 2). Test the pH of your soil with a soil testing kit, purchased from a garden center or online source. Shasta daisies prefer soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.0.
- 3). Adjust the soil pH according to the results of your soil test. For readings below 5.5, you will need to add lime. For pH readings above 6.0, peat moss is the cure. Follow the instructions printed on the package labeling of the lime or peat moss. The label provides application methods and allocation amounts recommended by the manufacturer.
- 4). Dig the holes for the shasta daisies. The holes should equal the size of the plants' rootballs. Remember, shasta daisies need plenty of elbow room, so space the holes 1 to 2 feet apart. Remove the shastas from their nursery container, plop one plant in the center of each hole, and pat the soil around each stem to remove trapped air.
- 5). Water the shasta daisies deeply with a garden hose immediately after planting. In lieu of rain, supplemental watering will be crucial for these perennials to flourish in their first growing season. At least 1 inch of water per week is needed to soak the soil to a 1-inch depth.
- 6). Spread a layer of mulch around your shasta daisies, and they are good to go. Three inches of bark chips will suffice to protect the daisies from weed invasions. It will also help the plants maintain moisture and improve drainage. If bark chips are not available, leaf litter or pine needles will do.