Family & Relationships Weddings

How to Choose a GreatWedding Cake

Choosing the cake for your wedding can be both fun and tasty.
Many bakers let you taste the variety of cakes and fillings they offer, while showing you pictures of the many decorative cakes they offer.
Let them know the look you are interested in, the number of guests and what your budget is.
First, you must decide where you will get your cake from.
Many venues that hold weddings offer cakes or you may choose to go with a bakery in your town that has a great reputation for wedding cakes.
You should talk to friends and family and see if they know of a good place to get a wedding cake for your special occasion.
Secondly, The kind of cake you want would be your next decision.
Chocolate cake, white cake, yellow cake or a combination.
Then what kind of filling you want for your cake, such as chocolate, fruit or different type of mouses for example.
With so many options to choose from you want to ask the baker if you can try some of them to make your decision easier.
You want something that is nice to look at but it is also important that the cake taste great.
Lastly, the shape of your cake, round, square, heart shaped.
Then you must decide how many layers you want.
This is usually dictated by the number of guests at your wedding.
The greater number of guests the more layers on the cake and remember you do not want to run out of wedding cake.

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