Health & Medical Anti Aging

Radiesse Injections Help in Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles

Wrinkles are one of the first and prominent signs of ageing which is nothing less than a nightmare for most of the people. Though ageing is a gene controlled process, but the signs of ageing on the face can truly make life bitter. In order to keep age at bay and to stay young forever Radiesse treatment is an excellent option. Radiesse is a revolutionising drug that can remove wrinkles from your face and give your skin elasticity and tightness of the younger days. Radiesse is calcium based dermal filler approved by FDA which is extensively used in cosmetic treatments particularly for removing wrinkles.

Radiesse in reducing wrinkles

Unlike the other dermal filler in the market Radiesse does not contain hyaluronic acid; rather it contains some more unique constituent such as calcium hydroxylapatite. The molecules of this compound are much smaller in size, and these microspheres are suspended in a water based gel to form the drug which can be directly injected to the facial skin. Due to the small size of the molecules the drug gets readily absorbed by the skin. The best part about the Radiesse treatment is its natural looking effect. The results produced by this drug provide a fully natural look as they are basically generated by the skin itself. Once the micromlecules are injected under the subcutaneous layer they invigorate the skin cells to produce collagen at a higher amount, improving the elasticity of the skin naturally.

Radiesse removes wrinkles naturally

Results of Radiesse treatment can last for as long as 24 months, and even in between touch-ups might not be necessary for every patient. The effects of the treatment start to show on the skin within a week of treatment. The drug primarily rejuvenates the skin by triggering the collagen synthesis process of the cells which results in visible reduction of the deep set wrinkles. The treatment provides the skin with a natural and healthy glow and gives it back the tightness and elasticity of the youth. Radiesse is available in the market in two different concentrations; the Radiesse 0.8 ml is usually used for improving skin elasticity, complexion and texture, whereas the 1.5 ml variant is used for targeted wrinkle removing treatments.

If you are planning to purchase Radiesse injections in bulk, then the best destination for you is the online shop where the best price is offered. You can check the priced offered for bulk purchase and save even more.

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