Home & Garden Architecture

Video: How to Install a Dishwasher: Part 2

Video Transcript

I¡¯m Lee, I have a degree in architecture and about ten years experience in the construction field and we¡¯re just about done with our dishwasher installation. You have these two brackets on the front right here. Just screw those into the top or the bottom of the countertop. Just screw those into the top or to the bottom of the countertop. If you don¡¯t, when you open up your door your dishwasher is going to fall out. Or its going to rock back and forth and it¡¯s going to shake a lot.
Once you get it back up to about right there, you open up the door. You might have to pull up on this side to get it to completely fit into the space. Sometimes they can be finicky. There we go. You can either put the flange on the outside, or in this case this space is really wide. And then you just push the bracket up and in to where it won¡¯t stick out and take one of the screws that came with it and just screw them in and make sure they¡¯re flushed and make sure the brackets are all the way up against the wood. Make sure they¡¯re not too long because you don¡¯t want them to come all the way up into your countertop. And once you have that done, if you have a big space here, most of these do come with adjustable feet on the bottom and you can just pry up on the bottom with a screwdriver and adjust it down some or whichever. You can also just pull up on the dishwasher right here. And just try it until you get it just nice and even. It doesn¡¯t have to lean back or lean forward. The back feet are preset and do not adjust on this one.
And that¡¯s how you would install the dishwasher and then you¡¯re going to replace the covers that you took off. These, on the top, this screw and the screw that¡¯s supposed to go there is in here, but it fell out- it has a little plastic washer that¡¯s supposed to keep it in, but it fell out nonetheless. And you just line it up with the holes right here and it¡¯ll kind of click into place. And this one¡¯s gotten kind of dirty from lying around. They¡¯re little bitty screws. And then you would do the same on the bottom panel. The bottom of this panel here screws through the top of this panel. So that this one can adjust up and down because you have the adjustable feet on the bottom. And once you have all of those in place, then you¡¯re good to go, and try it out. And you usually want to leave these off until you check for leaks, run it through a few cycles- I would say two or three cycles. If you see any leaks, just tighten up the fitting that the leak is at and that is how you would install a dishwasher in your kitchen remodel.

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