What Is the Point of SSH on the iPod Touch?
- Secure Shell on the iPod touch is used on jailbroken devices to transfer files and third-party application files to your iPod touch. These files include applications in the form of DEB files, game ROMs and theme packages. SSH gives you the medium you need to get these files on your device to install them.
- SSH only works on jailbroken iPod Touches with OpenSSH installed. This free, third-party application is available from the Cydia respository. OpenSSH lets you establish a connection with an SFTP client to transfer information. In addition to Open SSH, you need a third-party SFTP client software for your personal computer to transfer files via SSH.
- The three main software SFTP clients you can use to transfer files via SSH to your iPod touch are WinSCP, iFunBox and iPhoneBrowser. These software programs are downloaded to your personal computer. You then establish a connection between the SFTP client and your iPod touch using your USB cord or a Wi-Fi connection. After you establish a connection, you can transfer files via SSH to your iPod touch.
- SSH only works on jailbroken iPod touches. This means that you have to gain root access to the iPod's file system. This action is a violation of your Apple terms of service. Therefore, jailbreaking your iPod touch voids your warranty with Apple. Apple will not provide tech support if you accidentally brick your iPod touch by deleting critical components in the file system.