Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Diesel Vs. Solar Backup Power

What will you do when a natural disaster or freak storm takes out your power for a few days or a week? Trust me, it's no fun to have to make the choice of eating all the food in your refrigerator quickly or letting it rot.  The candles don't do much to take the edge off the too-dark nights, either.

Will yours be tne one house on the block with a little light at night and a small refrigerator keeping your food fresh?  Do you have a diesel generator, or were you were smart and handy?  Look, here is the fact: $600 and a couple of days' labor is all it takes to install solar backup power. You heard that correctly: $600. These aren't the expensive, inefficient old panels of yesteryear. These provide power in England on cloudy days. You will have power the sun runs out of gas.  Well, at least for the next 20-40 years, anyway.

But here's the thing:  Does a diesel generator lower your utility bill when the grid is up and running?  A solar array makes it easy to save money on your electric bill all year.  You flip a switch to send power back to the grid.  Net metering laws require the utility company to pay you for the power you put into the grid. In the best of times, solar slashes your utility bills. When the lights go out, your food doesn't rot. Either way, you're a winner.

Believe it or not, it gets even better.  Your neighbors and businesses in your area will be so impressed that they will want their own solar backup power systems.  They will want to know how much it would cost for you to build a them a kit. Charge $2,000 per two-day job.  Your out-of-pocket expenses will be less than $700. Do the math.

It's nice to have something really good because everyone wants it.  Solar energy is really good. Whether you want a cool weekend project,  lower utility bills, the security of knowing that you'll always have power, or a business opportunity, this is something you might want to consider.

There is no reason to put this off until tomorrow. The electric company might try to convince you otherwise, but they want your money, not the solar energy you can pump into their grid. This technology has arrived. The time is now. As the old song goes, "It's now or never."

Opportunity is practically bashing down your door.

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