How to Diagnose Coughing in Dogs
- 1). Take your dog for a complete physical. Have her checked for obvious causes such as an upper respiratory infection, kennel cough or lung congestion.
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If the reason for your dog's cough is not readily identifiable, ask to have X-rays taken. This will provide an in-depth evaluation of his heart, lungs, pleural space, blood vessels and abdominal cavity. - 3). Have your veterinarian perform a tracheoscopy (moving X-ray) to check for a collapsing trachea.
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Make sure your veterinarian does a complete blood count (CBC) and serum biochemistry tests to evaluate your dog's enzyme levels and organ function. - 5). Have a sample of your dog's lung fluids drawn (diagnostic thoracentesis) and analyzed for abnormal cells, bacteria and infection.
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If the cause of the coughing is still unknown, ask your veterinarian to order serological and cytological tests, lung fluid cultures and ultrasonography.