Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

5 Plants You Can Use For Hemorrhoid Home Treatment

White Oak bark is an astringent; it contracts body tissues and reduces bleeding.
It does this by tightening the muscles and veins, and as a result of this the veins become stronger, and are not prone to developing into hemorrhoids in the first place.
White Oak bark also promotes healthy and normal bowel movement which avoids the unpleasantness of either constipation or diarrhea.
This extract is an invaluable help in any hemorrhoid home treatment situation 2.
All of us know and can recognize Horse Chestnut! The extract from this tree is is used to strengthen veins.
Hemorrhoids and varicose veins are nothing more than swollen veins that are formed due to excess pressure.
Strong veins will be less likely to give in to excess pressure.
Barberry is a spiny-leaved plant with yellow flowers and red berries.
This is a natural blood purifier that promotes the proper and sustainable balance of microbes in the body that is so necessary for good health.
Butcher's Broom is a herbal food supplement that can easily be incorporated into any hemorrhoid home treatment regime.
It promotes good lower limb circulation by strengthening the veins that, when weakened, lead to hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
It is used to relieve the symptoms of 'heavy legs' in elderly people.
Witch Hazel is a flowering shrub that grows naturally in North America, China and Japan.
This is another astringent that checks bleeding, and for this reason it is used extensively as an ingredient in after-shaves! It is excellent for arresting bleeding hemorrhoids and bringing rapid relief to the sufferer.

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