Business & Finance Social Media

3 Ways to Use Facebook Places To Generate Sales For Your Business

Local business stand the most to gain from Facebook's Places feature.
Whether you hate social media, love social media, or haven't formed an opinion on it the fact is that it is here to stay.
Business can generate profits from social media provided they take advantage of the features that are in their best interest.
Part of social media for many individuals is letting their "friends" know what they are doing.
This may sound strange to some however it is very real and businesses who take advantage of this can benefit with new sales for their business.
The goal for a business is to get current customers or even prospects in their store to "check-in".
By getting individuals in your store or place of business to acknowledge they are in your store you get free advertising on the Facebook to the "friends" that are connected to your customer.
Let's look at 3 ways to get the next individual walking through your doors to let their friends, family, and co-workers know they are at your place of business.
  • Flyer or sign at the check out register.
    This feature is new and many don't even know that in 2 clicks on their cell phone they can let their friends know exactly what they are.
    Encourage them to "check-in" so their friends know where they are at.
  • Ask them to check in.
    It can be as simple as saying "Would you check-in on Facebook so your friends get to see what you are up to?".
    Many companies even offer discounts or bonuses for users who check-in.
    Why would they do this? You are getting advertising and an implied endorsement from a customer.
    What that is worth is up to each business to decide.
  • Announce it on your Facebook Fan Page.
    A fan page and your places page are different.
    Announce on your Fan page that you want users to check-in the next time they are at your store.
    You will have to remind them more than once however they will not think of it as nagging.
Nothing beats free advertising and when a business puts a marketing system around powerful feature such as Facebook places they stand to reap the reward with new sales.
Discover how to get Facebook generating leads for your business in our free, power packed, 6 day video powered marketing course - www.

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