Family & Relationships Weddings

Chroma Key Software Makes Wedding Photos a Snap!

Watching two people commit to a life together, to adore and cherish one another, is one of the most joyful times we all can experience.
Just the appeal and mystery of how two spirits become as one has always kept this institution of marriage great.
In order to keep these memories fresh in our minds, and even more so remind the couple of the day they pledged their lives to one another, for better and for worse, a wedding photographer is hired.
It is their duty to capture the mood, the ceremony and the celebration (not all the time such an easy task).
In the end, the most central of all photos is that of the bride and groom.
Considering the ceremony (and typically prior to the reception) nearly all photographers look for a pleasant place near where the pair have married to treat as a backdrop for their wedding photo.
For example, a beautiful stained glass window inside of the place of worship, or a white garden trellis chock-full of blooming roses for the pair to pose under.
The majority of the while the photographer is severely restricted, and in the end cannot offer a genuinely amazing package.
However, if you hope to offer your services as an exotic wedding portrate taker, you can do so effortlessly and reasonably with something called a green screen and chroma key software.
And, it's a lot easier than it may perhaps seem.
What you would need to do is pick a location where either you can get suitable lighting, or a place where you can set up your own lights.
Once illuminating of the screen, with two lights facing the midpoint of the screen, a third light will be used to light the joyful couple.
You take a good quantity of photos, and then back at your studio you add in the background that suits the pair in the best way.
For example, say the newlyweds would like to illustrate their undying love for each other with a backdrop that is the essence of romance.
Scenes such as a stunning natural cascade, a sandy beach someplace the sun is beginning to set, or even the classic English flower garden.
These locations will help the bride (and all her friends she shows the wedding portraits to) feel the deep connections she and her spouse shared on this special day with one another.
Of course, even though the proverb goes that this is the bride's special day, a little known fact is that as long as the picture isn't explicitly feminine, guys like to show off photos of their wives to their guy acquaintances, especially to brag about their amazing catch.
In this situation, after taking the happy couple's picture together, ask the groom to step aside and take several classy shots of the bride, such as from the front with her holding her bouquet, from the side (profile pictures are very popular), and perhaps a three-quarters position with the bride showing her happiness and excitement of her fresh life together with her spouse.
Then as soon as you return to your studio, add backgrounds such as a series of marble stairs leading to the doorway of an old gothic church, or the courtyard of a castle.
You may even consider using the chroma key software to darken the bride as if she were in shadow, and employ a picture of the ocean with a sky full of deep reds and purples to add drama to the photo

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