Business & Finance Social Media

Free Leads Forever

If you've ever tried yet failed at a home business it was probably because you didn't have enough quality people to talk to.
Nearly everyone in a home business has gone through the "I don't want to bother my family and friends" phase.
In the industry it's called belonging to the "NFL Club," or "No friends left.
" Perhaps you've talked some family members or friends into joining your business and all of you failed.
You might have taken them on the road with you again, only to fail again so now you wouldn't dare even approach them.
The reality is most people fail at home businesses because they give up too soon and just quit.
Quitting should never be an option.
If a person is serious they will keep going until they win.
There are very few folks out there who have that drive and heart.
It's never easy, and certainly not a "get rich quick" career to attempt.
One of the best and most lucrative pools of ready, willing and able people belong to the Social Network platforms like Facebook, MySpace and others.
The mistakes most marketers make in using this resource is setting up your page like a sales or marketing site.
Also, when you attempt to engage your "friends" in conversation do not ever, ever start out with a sales pitch.
That's the fastest way to lose friends and definitely NOT influence people.
The most intelligent and fastest way to become a master recruiter on these sites is to find a good Social Networking Training system that teaches you from A to Z how to set up your site, how to approach, identify and qualify the perfect prospect.
The last step is how to close them and bring them into your business.
Flying by the seat of your pants just won't work.
There are many people on these sites that are sophisticated and lots of them marketers.
Even though they may be working another opportunity doesn't mean they won't be interested in your business.
It's ALL in the approach and follow-up.
Once you learn how to use a good system, you never have to pay for one lead again.
So many people have spent tens of thousands per year on leads they have to call on the telephone and most are not worth what they paid for.
What you need is a system that has all of the above plus live Coaching, videos and power-point presentations that will help you become a Master of Communication both online and off.
There are many systems available but very few that cover all of the complexities I mentioned.
Find a good one and use it.
Your pot of gold may just be in the Social Network community.

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