What Are the Three Sides of Hypertension?
There are three factors that contribute to hypertension...
- Causes due to genetics - Reasons due to diet - Emotional and stress factors The third reason, emotional tension, is the most harmful.
Genetic Factors: The following reasons mainly cause blood pressure Researchers and scientists are not currently sure which genes are actually responsible for the development of hypertension.
Our gene determines the unique characteristics of each and every one of us.
And the chromosome production of proteins.
Researches done in this field has been mainly focused on reasons affecting the renin-angiotensin-andosterone system, the system responsible for aiding the body regulate its blood pressure, mainly by controlling the balance of salt, and the state of elasticity within the arteries.
30% of the causes of pressure is pointed towards genes.
This means that even though you have a healthy nutrition and fitness plan, if you have the high blood pressure genes in your system, you may still have to deal with the disease.
(This can however be reversed.
I'll explain how later in this article.
) Blood pressure seems to be a common problem among the Afro American society in U.
Pressure is at the lowest among the Asian Americans.
From research we come to know that children who born to parents with hypertension tend to develop hypertension.
It is rare for unusual genetic disorders to have anything to do with primary hypertension, as these cases typically identify secondary hypertension instead.
Reasons due to diet There are a number of dietary factors that can lead to the development of pressure, including drinking too much alcohol, consuming too much caffeine, and eating the wrong things.
And mainly if it's in your gene.
Normally, if you are overweight then you have a high chance of developing hypertension.
Not eating the right food will lead you to blood pressure, even though you are thin.
Foods that are rich in cholesterol, Tran saturated fats and an excess of salt are good examples of these bad foods.
The major cause globally is because of overweight.
Drinking too much coffee or excessive caffeine intake can also lead to issues stemming from pressure development if you do not limit the intake of these beverages.
Controlled intake is ok.
Stress and emotional factors: If you are too stressed at work, at home, in society, it means that you are taking on much more than you can handle, and you will find yourself with a lot of unwanted stress.
Such unwanted stress is very hard to avoid if you get use to it.
In the long term it will lead you to hypertension and other dangerous diseases.
Hypertension can also be caused when you worry too much.
When you worry too much the anxiety will hike up the blood pressure.
If you make worrying a habit, or stress yourself out too much, you can cause chronic hypertension.
The natural blood pressure program of mine does not only eliminates emotional and stress related causes but also dietary and genetic factors using a simple three sets of exercises.
- Causes due to genetics - Reasons due to diet - Emotional and stress factors The third reason, emotional tension, is the most harmful.
Genetic Factors: The following reasons mainly cause blood pressure Researchers and scientists are not currently sure which genes are actually responsible for the development of hypertension.
Our gene determines the unique characteristics of each and every one of us.
And the chromosome production of proteins.
Researches done in this field has been mainly focused on reasons affecting the renin-angiotensin-andosterone system, the system responsible for aiding the body regulate its blood pressure, mainly by controlling the balance of salt, and the state of elasticity within the arteries.
30% of the causes of pressure is pointed towards genes.
This means that even though you have a healthy nutrition and fitness plan, if you have the high blood pressure genes in your system, you may still have to deal with the disease.
(This can however be reversed.
I'll explain how later in this article.
) Blood pressure seems to be a common problem among the Afro American society in U.
Pressure is at the lowest among the Asian Americans.
From research we come to know that children who born to parents with hypertension tend to develop hypertension.
It is rare for unusual genetic disorders to have anything to do with primary hypertension, as these cases typically identify secondary hypertension instead.
Reasons due to diet There are a number of dietary factors that can lead to the development of pressure, including drinking too much alcohol, consuming too much caffeine, and eating the wrong things.
And mainly if it's in your gene.
Normally, if you are overweight then you have a high chance of developing hypertension.
Not eating the right food will lead you to blood pressure, even though you are thin.
Foods that are rich in cholesterol, Tran saturated fats and an excess of salt are good examples of these bad foods.
The major cause globally is because of overweight.
Drinking too much coffee or excessive caffeine intake can also lead to issues stemming from pressure development if you do not limit the intake of these beverages.
Controlled intake is ok.
Stress and emotional factors: If you are too stressed at work, at home, in society, it means that you are taking on much more than you can handle, and you will find yourself with a lot of unwanted stress.
Such unwanted stress is very hard to avoid if you get use to it.
In the long term it will lead you to hypertension and other dangerous diseases.
Hypertension can also be caused when you worry too much.
When you worry too much the anxiety will hike up the blood pressure.
If you make worrying a habit, or stress yourself out too much, you can cause chronic hypertension.
The natural blood pressure program of mine does not only eliminates emotional and stress related causes but also dietary and genetic factors using a simple three sets of exercises.