Tips To See Website In Top Position
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, it means optimizing ones website in such way that the search engine will deem its contents more relevant than other websites towards a particular keywords searched by users. It demonstrates the links from other websites & analyzes the keywords to fit properly in a page that complement to each other in order to getting top ranking position.
There are following 5 tips which can help you to get your website ranked on the top position:-
Domain Name: Registration of a domain name is the first step one takes towards having a website. When you start thinking of having a website for your business, you must understand the importance of SEO from that stage only. Many people take domain names related to their corporate identity and others prefer to have shorter domain names. For more details go to [] Search Engine give a lot of importance to domain names, hence you should include the main keyword in your domain name. For example, if you sell flowers in India and your company name is ABC florist private limited, I suggest you to take a domain like Or You can go for other Tads as well is not available.
Make your website Content Rich: While designing your website, most people focus more on graphics and animation and lesser on content. You can hire a content writer or if you can do it at your own, make your website content rich. As search engines are content hungry and also more content mean more number of keywords. Try to use text instead of images where ever possible and also use ALT tags for your images and give considerable importance to naming of your webpages, images and folders. You should name them including your keywords. For example, if there is a image of Tulip, instead giving it a name like a1.jpg, name it tulip.jpg, similarly your webpages names should include the keywords instead abc.html or a1.html etc.
Also organize your website into different pages avoid stuffing all the keywords and phrases into one page. Also attempt to avoid the use of tables, flash, frames & java script & commented text in your webpage.
Meta Tags: Meta tags are also an important section of your web pages, they describe what the web page is all about. Be very careful while defining them. Leaving them empty or keyword stuffing both is harmful for your webpages. Following are most important Meta tags -
Title Tag: Instead of having a title like welcome to ABC Florist Pvt. Ltd., you should have title like Send Flowers to India, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Try to include your main keywords within your title tag.
Description: Description tag is the text which is displayed under the title on result page. Write here a nice description of your webpage, so that a user can have an idea about your website while searching it in the search engines.
There are following 5 tips which can help you to get your website ranked on the top position:-
Domain Name: Registration of a domain name is the first step one takes towards having a website. When you start thinking of having a website for your business, you must understand the importance of SEO from that stage only. Many people take domain names related to their corporate identity and others prefer to have shorter domain names. For more details go to [] Search Engine give a lot of importance to domain names, hence you should include the main keyword in your domain name. For example, if you sell flowers in India and your company name is ABC florist private limited, I suggest you to take a domain like Or You can go for other Tads as well is not available.
Make your website Content Rich: While designing your website, most people focus more on graphics and animation and lesser on content. You can hire a content writer or if you can do it at your own, make your website content rich. As search engines are content hungry and also more content mean more number of keywords. Try to use text instead of images where ever possible and also use ALT tags for your images and give considerable importance to naming of your webpages, images and folders. You should name them including your keywords. For example, if there is a image of Tulip, instead giving it a name like a1.jpg, name it tulip.jpg, similarly your webpages names should include the keywords instead abc.html or a1.html etc.
Also organize your website into different pages avoid stuffing all the keywords and phrases into one page. Also attempt to avoid the use of tables, flash, frames & java script & commented text in your webpage.
Meta Tags: Meta tags are also an important section of your web pages, they describe what the web page is all about. Be very careful while defining them. Leaving them empty or keyword stuffing both is harmful for your webpages. Following are most important Meta tags -
Title Tag: Instead of having a title like welcome to ABC Florist Pvt. Ltd., you should have title like Send Flowers to India, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Try to include your main keywords within your title tag.
Description: Description tag is the text which is displayed under the title on result page. Write here a nice description of your webpage, so that a user can have an idea about your website while searching it in the search engines.