Home & Garden Architecture

Do it Yourself Granite Counter Tops

    • 1). Dull the countertop surface with a power pad-sander, getting it flat and clean. Wipe up the dust.

    • 2). Measure the countertop length and find the middle. Mark a line there from the front to the back with a square and pencil.

    • 3). Spread thin set over the front half the counter, using a notched trowel.

    • 4). Press beveled granite tiles along the front edge, with the beveled sides facing forward. Begin at the center line and work your way to the sides, putting tile spaces between them as you go. Cut the end tiles on your wet saw to fit.

    • 5). Press a row of regular granite tiles behind the beveled tiles, again starting at the center line and working to the sides. Put spacers between all of them as you lay them. Cut the end tiles as necessary.

    • 6). Repeat, building back over the counter row by row, starting each row at the center and moving to the sides. Spread more thin set as needed. Cover the whole surface with granite tiles.

    • 7). Let the thin set dry for 10 hours. Pull out the spacers.

    • 8). Grout the tiles with a grout float, scraping the unsanded grout over the surface and forcing it into the gaps between the tiles. Wipe off the excess grout with a damp sponge.

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