Health & Medical Hearing

What to Do If You Have Ringing Ears After a Concert

Young people, especially teenagers, would really want to go to loud rock concerts just to see their favorite artists.
It is really exciting being there and seeing your favorite act perform live on stage.
But after all the excitement, you may find that your ears start to ring.
The ringing ears after concert may be quite annoying and it might affect your daily life.
So what do you have to do when you start to experience these symptoms? The ringing in your ears is usually caused by the very high levels of sound that are produced by the massive loudspeakers in a concert.
These monstrous speakers can produce sounds that are well over a human's comfortable limit of hearing.
When you are constantly exposed to loud sounds, your ear can suffer damage that can cause tinnitus.
The human ear consists of many delicate parts that work together to perceive and interpret the sound that we hear.
One part that is very easily damaged is the inner ear or the cochlea.
The inner ear is composed of microscopic hair cells, and each of these hair cells reacts in a specific frequency range.
These hair cells can get damaged by very loud sounds, causing them to bend or break.
This is one of the reasons why people get to experience ringing ears after concert.
When the hair cells get damaged, they produce impulses in their nerve endings.
The brain interprets the impulses as sound.
The impulses that damaged hair cells produce is usually translated by the brain as the ringing sound that is characteristic of tinnitus.
Tinnitus is usually caused by exposure to very loud noises.
Rock concerts are just an example of the things that could cause your ears to ring.
If your workplace is very noisy, it too could lead to you experiencing a ringing in your ear.
That is why it is very important to wear gear that can protect your hearing if you are at a construction site, a firing range, or any other location that produces excessive noise.
To avoid experiencing tinnitus, there are some precautions that you could take.
One effective way of minimizing ringing ears after concert is by wearing earplugs.
Earplugs reduce the level of noise entering your ear and also minimizing the chances that damage would occur to your inner ear's sensitive parts.
If you don't have earplugs, choosing a location on the concert venue that is a comfortable distance from the main speakers is preferable.
You still get to feel the excitement of being there live without blasting your ears.
The sound that you hear when standing close to the stage is many times louder than staying a good distance from it.
The tinnitus that results from being in a loud concert is usually temporary.
The affliction usually goes away on its own without needing any treatment.
But if your ringing ears after concert lasts more than two days, you should consult your doctor for the appropriate treatment.

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