Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Twitter and Hip Hop

Twitter has brought hip hop artist and their fans closer, fans are following their fovorite artist on twitter like they actually know them. Hip Hop Stars are logging on to twitter sharing their day to day with their fans and also other hip hop stars. Most artist give their fans a play by play of their day, stuff like "On my way to the airport" or "Just landed, headed to awards show" with twitter fans feel like they are apart of the artist life. Twitter makes a fan more than a fan it kinda puts them on a friend level in way. Alot of artist have said being on twitter has increased their fan base tremendously, and it helps them to be on a more close up and personal with their fans. Keeping their fans inform on what's going on, has increase status and boost their careers, artist are letting fans know what club their going to be at, what events they will be attending, when the new cd is dropping, for the artist twitter is great marketing/branding tool. Hip Hop Artist use the number of followers they have to measure their buzz on the street, an artist with over 1 million followers is buzzing pretty well on the streets. Twitter is wealth of information for the fan, information that they would normally get from the media, usaually after the fact; They can get the info straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

The bad part about this is sometimes the fans don't always see the artist in the best light, sometime the artist is maybe having a bad day, and has no problem venting it out on twiiter. Sometime they attack their fans and each other with major verbal assaults, only to apoligize later for their public meltdown. Some have said such horrible, nasty things instead of owning up to it they claim their twitter account was hacked into. You would think an artist with over 2 million followers would think before they started ranting and venting exposing themselves on twitter, but being platnum hip hop star doesn't mean you're not stupid.

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