Law & Legal & Attorney Criminal Law & procedure

What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with a crime, it is a good idea to retain a defense lawyer as soon as possible. It is very understandable to be apprehensive about this type of situation, but you should make sure to do your research before you hire an attorney instead of just jumping on the first one that will set an appointment with you. As a matter of fact, if you call a lawyer and they cannot meet with you right away, you may want to hang on to their number - good lawyers are usually busy!

It is probably prudent to go with a lawyer that has been practicing for more than a couple of years, especially if you are faced with a serious crime. You should also make sure that your choice has a focus or specialty in the type of crime with which you are being charged. You may also want to research what kind of relationship your lawyer has with the office that is prosecuting you. Is he or she a €known quantity€ in the circuit? It may help your case:

€ If your lawyer is fair, ethical and tenacious in court. Judges and other lawyers will respect him or her. They will instantly know that this attorney will understand the law and not waste the court's time.

€ If your counsel can negotiate closely with prosecutors, you may have a better outcome to your case and maybe even avoid trial.

€ If your attorney's reputation is solid. This alone could help you in your quest for reduced charges or plea bargain requests.

Once you have narrowed down your choices you should check with the Bar Association in your area to make sure that there are no current or serious, previous complaints against him or her. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau for the same things as well as see what the firm's rating is. Do not be afraid to ask the attorney for references, and you should actually contact these references to ascertain the attorney's track record. Scour the Internet for mentions of your attorney in previous cases.

Hiring the best criminal defense lawyer can be paramount when you are charged with any type of crime, no matter if the allegation is minor or major. If your lawyer knows what he or she is doing, then you can feel a bit more secure that your interests are being protected in the best way possible. Make sure that you pick an attorney with whom you feel comfortable, and about whom you feel genuinely cares about your welfare as well as the circumstances of your case.

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