Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Educational Literacy Games for Children

    RIF Reading Planet

    • RIF stands for Reading is Fundamental, which is the largest nonprofit organization for children's literacy in the United States. In addition to providing resources, such as books, to families who otherwise can't afford them, the organization has set up a website full of games and activities focused on learning to read. There's an activity lab, a game station, and a book zone to check out, each of which offer a unique spin on learning to read in a fun way.


    • JumpStart is an interactive online game for children between the ages of 3 and 12. You simply install their exclusive 3D engine to your computer, and then launch the game. Once in the game world, your child can create their own character, decorate their own house, and play learning games with other kids.

      The game comes complete with parental controls, canned chat, and other features so your children can never share any personal information when they play. While many of the games focus on teaching children reading skills, math and critical-thinking activities will also pop up throughout the world.

    Primary Games

    • The Primary Games website offers a number of other fun learning games all geared toward school children. More than 20 literacy games are located on the site, including crossword puzzles and word searches. Daily comics will give your child some extra reading practice before they log off of the site. You'll also find other games offered on the website that focus on math, social studies and science.


    • Who can resist a fun family game of Scrabble after dinner? It's a fun way to spend some quality time together without having to go anywhere or spend any money. It's also a great tool for helping your children learn to read better. You don't have to follow the official rules to have a good time and learn at the same time.

      Be creative and come up with some rules that cater to your child's age so she can get the most out of the experience. For example if your child's still young, you might want to play so that words can be no longer than three letters each. You can also find online scrabble games for your kids to enjoy when you don't have time to play the traditional way. HubWorld offers an online scrabble game in addition to numerous other interactive games geared toward kids.

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