Technology Software

5 Tips to Get Rid of Google Redirect - Fix Them Completely in Very Easy Ways

The new Trojan raving the net these days is the Google redirect virus.
Its purpose is to redirect all searches done through Google to a set of unknown websites that usually appear in the names of either clearask.
com or brittaniasearch.
com or go.
com or webanalytics.
This done, the virus goes ahead and infects the windows registry, and infects the messenger software.
The Google redirect virus also parks itself on to email attachments.
The following 5 tips will help you to get rid of Google redirect and return back to normal computing.
Try to locate the mischief monger by opening up the control panel.
Click on system>hardware.
Click on Device Manager > View > Show Hidden Devices.
Scroll down to show hidden devices.
Click on the + sign here and locate the TDSSserv.
sys file.
You have almost done the job.
Do not drag this file to the recycle bin or delete it.
Simply right click and select Disable.
Your job is done.
Reboot your PC.
You might also need to run an update of your antivirus and antispyware software.
As an added precaution try completing a scan of the system.
This can be done with an online scan.
Online scans do not have viruses' piggy back riding on the software so no worries.
Nothing new will enter your system.
These done, you are all set to start where you had left off before the Google redirect virus attack.
The computer runs faster and the threat is non existent for now.
As an added precaution, never download anything from suspicious sites, if you have a question about the site, a good antivirus or antispyware software will be able to tell you if it is safe to proceed.
It would always be advisable to read through opinions of users and see their ratings in download forums before downloading anything that you may require.

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