Cut Book Publishing Time & Cost: Use Your MP3"s or Old Cassette Tapes
Sometimes being an Author, is at cross-purposes with having time to write. We all know by now that Authors are not necessarily writers, and many great writers, have never authored anything useful. Authors are the concept people. Writers are the "working OUT the concept" people.
One can have a real conflict between the two roles because it takes TIME to be imaginative, but disciplined temporal focus and technical concentration on a narrow target to keep the spelling, punctuation, text flow and grammar all going the right way.
The restraints of the "writing" trade, can literally choke out the free flowing "creative" relaxation-musing experience that is the birthplace of new ideas. The process of authoring a new idea, taken with the discipline of writing, can leave the day, the week, the month, even the year, with no time at all. What do you do when you are a guy or gal, with GREAT ideas you are constantly bringing forth in classes, meetings, lectures and lessons, but you have no inclination or capacity left at the end of the day to write it down?
One of the simplest solutions, is to use recordings of your sessions. That's right, break out those I.C. Recorders, (or the old dictation micro cassettes from the attic) and put them to work for you.
MP3 or Cassette Audio Text Conversions
A 60 minute lecture or classroom session recorded on an old style cassette will often provide the raw source materials for anywhere from 30-40 pages or more for a normal speaker. That means that if you have already recorded 8 45 minute classes on any particular subject, you may already have 250-320pp of raw resources just resting in repose with which to build your next book publication.
I Wish There Was a Book That Went Along With This Lesson!
I wonder have you ever heard a great speaker, who has several great concepts that are not in print, yet? Ever wonder what they are waiting for? Are YOU a speaker, who has great concepts, but no time to write them down and edit them out to something useful?
How often have you sat in a meeting where you were so engaged in the concept that the time just flew by but there was no actual BOOK handed out for sale at the front door, to follow along with and use for follow up later?
Have you ever thought, "What I say is pretty good, I ought to write my next book? Or perhaps, my first book?" i know I have. Perhaps it's time to put your words to work FOR you, get rolling towards passive income and influence building for your career or vocational field of choice.
Cassette tapes, micro cassettes, and I.C. recorders are still one of the fastest ways for truly busy Authors to get their source materials into writing fast with little or no time investment imposing into their schedule. This is a time saving solution for the creation of raw manuscripts needed to develop fully edited, printed as books for sale. These in turn can be distributed to and sold by, bookstores, websites and word of mouth. Those recordings you make, CAN be converted from latent data, to active laborers who can be sent out to earn you more income, expand your influence, open doors for more opportunity to do more, while saving you time and money.
You can combine the fully edited transcripts of your audio mp3 or cassette recordings, with some of your handwritten notes, outlines, or graphic illustrations from your power point presentation into a very useful text book.
YOUR book CAN be written without the massive time commitment it requires... because you already completed most of the work when you made your recordings of your last few sessions. MP3 work just great, for those who are too young to remember cassettes. Now, every time you go to speak remember:
Different speakers will require different levels of editing for their raw transcripts, based on their speaking style. Words have to be converted from spoken and personal style, to a more correct, sometimes less personal written format, for a wider audience to grasp.
Manuscripts can require anything from light editing, to heavy rewriting (perhaps with a little creative writing on the part of your editor) or your associates. The time and cost can vary, so you might want to get an estimate for a fixed, reasonable transcription, editing proposal for your book, perhaps some layout and design work and printing costs too. It is all easier to nail down and turn into useful product, if you have a plan for creating the original source materials that does not involve a big expense of time or money up front. Once a manuscript, raw though it may be, is in play; a cost, budget, and schedule for you doing what you should have done LAST YEAR can become a reality.
There are plenty of people around you who may be willing to put together a writing/editing proposal with fixed costs for everything your recording might need to take your concept from transcript, right up to delivery of the final project.
It IS possible to have your finished product in hand, in very short order, if necessary, once you can your needs and your starting point. Some publishers and publishing service companies may even provide free proposals, or sample transcription proposals for the cost of a quick email!
My Cure for Writer's Block
I have personally used transcripts of this nature, dictation and raw text editing for years. I have used them on literally dozens of books to cut my writing and editing time down to the bare minimum.
I have also used this to totally defeat writer's block a multitude of times: take the raw outline, go to the garage and present the lesson or tell the story from my heart and background experience, to an imaginary group of people. Then I remove the recording, pass it to the typist for data entry, and forget about it for a week. Then I come back to the raw transcripts and edit my heart out after a delicious week of R & R.
Some of the worst books I have ever seen were done, with poor editing, from transcript sources. Some of the VERY best, were done the same way, with editors I know and trust to say it my way.
Do you have something you need to say, but no time to write it yourself? Need to take a writing break so you can get back to Authoring? Take my advice, maybe we should talk.
With the help of a few friends, and associates you can do a lot, maybe even all the work yourself, with very little extra time. I know I have, and do. It works for me, it can work for you too.
One can have a real conflict between the two roles because it takes TIME to be imaginative, but disciplined temporal focus and technical concentration on a narrow target to keep the spelling, punctuation, text flow and grammar all going the right way.
The restraints of the "writing" trade, can literally choke out the free flowing "creative" relaxation-musing experience that is the birthplace of new ideas. The process of authoring a new idea, taken with the discipline of writing, can leave the day, the week, the month, even the year, with no time at all. What do you do when you are a guy or gal, with GREAT ideas you are constantly bringing forth in classes, meetings, lectures and lessons, but you have no inclination or capacity left at the end of the day to write it down?
One of the simplest solutions, is to use recordings of your sessions. That's right, break out those I.C. Recorders, (or the old dictation micro cassettes from the attic) and put them to work for you.
MP3 or Cassette Audio Text Conversions
A 60 minute lecture or classroom session recorded on an old style cassette will often provide the raw source materials for anywhere from 30-40 pages or more for a normal speaker. That means that if you have already recorded 8 45 minute classes on any particular subject, you may already have 250-320pp of raw resources just resting in repose with which to build your next book publication.
I Wish There Was a Book That Went Along With This Lesson!
I wonder have you ever heard a great speaker, who has several great concepts that are not in print, yet? Ever wonder what they are waiting for? Are YOU a speaker, who has great concepts, but no time to write them down and edit them out to something useful?
How often have you sat in a meeting where you were so engaged in the concept that the time just flew by but there was no actual BOOK handed out for sale at the front door, to follow along with and use for follow up later?
Have you ever thought, "What I say is pretty good, I ought to write my next book? Or perhaps, my first book?" i know I have. Perhaps it's time to put your words to work FOR you, get rolling towards passive income and influence building for your career or vocational field of choice.
Cassette tapes, micro cassettes, and I.C. recorders are still one of the fastest ways for truly busy Authors to get their source materials into writing fast with little or no time investment imposing into their schedule. This is a time saving solution for the creation of raw manuscripts needed to develop fully edited, printed as books for sale. These in turn can be distributed to and sold by, bookstores, websites and word of mouth. Those recordings you make, CAN be converted from latent data, to active laborers who can be sent out to earn you more income, expand your influence, open doors for more opportunity to do more, while saving you time and money.
You can combine the fully edited transcripts of your audio mp3 or cassette recordings, with some of your handwritten notes, outlines, or graphic illustrations from your power point presentation into a very useful text book.
YOUR book CAN be written without the massive time commitment it requires... because you already completed most of the work when you made your recordings of your last few sessions. MP3 work just great, for those who are too young to remember cassettes. Now, every time you go to speak remember:
- Your MP3 equals MANUSCRIPT! or
- Your TAPE equals text!
Different speakers will require different levels of editing for their raw transcripts, based on their speaking style. Words have to be converted from spoken and personal style, to a more correct, sometimes less personal written format, for a wider audience to grasp.
Manuscripts can require anything from light editing, to heavy rewriting (perhaps with a little creative writing on the part of your editor) or your associates. The time and cost can vary, so you might want to get an estimate for a fixed, reasonable transcription, editing proposal for your book, perhaps some layout and design work and printing costs too. It is all easier to nail down and turn into useful product, if you have a plan for creating the original source materials that does not involve a big expense of time or money up front. Once a manuscript, raw though it may be, is in play; a cost, budget, and schedule for you doing what you should have done LAST YEAR can become a reality.
There are plenty of people around you who may be willing to put together a writing/editing proposal with fixed costs for everything your recording might need to take your concept from transcript, right up to delivery of the final project.
It IS possible to have your finished product in hand, in very short order, if necessary, once you can your needs and your starting point. Some publishers and publishing service companies may even provide free proposals, or sample transcription proposals for the cost of a quick email!
My Cure for Writer's Block
I have personally used transcripts of this nature, dictation and raw text editing for years. I have used them on literally dozens of books to cut my writing and editing time down to the bare minimum.
I have also used this to totally defeat writer's block a multitude of times: take the raw outline, go to the garage and present the lesson or tell the story from my heart and background experience, to an imaginary group of people. Then I remove the recording, pass it to the typist for data entry, and forget about it for a week. Then I come back to the raw transcripts and edit my heart out after a delicious week of R & R.
Some of the worst books I have ever seen were done, with poor editing, from transcript sources. Some of the VERY best, were done the same way, with editors I know and trust to say it my way.
Do you have something you need to say, but no time to write it yourself? Need to take a writing break so you can get back to Authoring? Take my advice, maybe we should talk.
With the help of a few friends, and associates you can do a lot, maybe even all the work yourself, with very little extra time. I know I have, and do. It works for me, it can work for you too.