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Is It Time to Help Yourself?

You know SELF HELP is a interesting thing, people view it very differently, some might think its finding some sort of spiritual awaking, for others it might be losing a few extra kilos or finding some tips, tricks or tools to help battle depression even looking for a new job.
Whatever it is for you, the real answer is here, YOU HAVE TO HELP YOURSELF, it's great to know there is a problem, it's great to spend the time and research ways to address whatever problem you might be having, it's great to think about tackling the problem.
But unless you actually start on making the changes you need, it won't matter, so it's ACTION that you need.
I'm not talking about making massive changes overnight, I am talking about finding what the first small step is and starting on it and finishing it, then starting on step two, then on to the next one, you get the picture.
People sometimes get stuck just before starting the ACTION part, it can be for a few different reasons.
ο Fear ο Uncertainty ο Complacency I'm sure that there are plenty of other reasons.
The good news is that whatever your reason is YOU CAN OVERCOME IT.
The question is HOW TO OVERCOME IT, and start making the changes that you need in your life.
Realize Fear Can Be Exciting Do you remember that time when you were a kid, and you were riding a roller coaster, and you were scared, but you were having a lot of fun.
A little bit of fear in your life can be a good thing.
Life would be very boring without it.
So learn to recognize it for what it is, and enjoy it.
Do something every day to push your boundaries, you will never improve your life until you start working at it, and trust me, it will get easier as you move along.
Let Go Of Your Security Blanket People have the capacity to put up with just about any poor situation in their lives, such as jobs they hate, they stay in relationships that make them miserable, and horrible habits that are slowly killing them, simply to make themselves feel more secure.
Most people will value their security over just about anything.
To move forward, and conquer whatever reason is that has your stuck you need to consciously make the decision to take your security blanket and throw it out the door, and replace it with ACTION and COURAGE.
You have to make that tough decision that its more important to ACT, to do what you must succeed, rather than holding on to things that make you feel safe.
Know the difference between being Cautious and FEAR.
I can tell you this, your fears are irrational or just plain dumb, well most of them any way.
You might be too scared to start your own business because you might not think you have what it takes, or you might not ask the pretty girl (or Boy) out, because they might say no, and you will die of shame and embarrassment, or you don't want to confront someone because you are scared of confrontation, and that might say nasty things.
You are holding yourself back because of those irrational fears, and they are keeping you from being more successful.
Now the difference is with being cautious, that is something that is smart.
Begin cautious is that you might be afraid to speed and drive aggressively because you might be in an accident, so you drive by the speed limit.
Hey I am the first to tell you, that being cautious is a really good thing.
But you need to make sure that you aren't using it as an excuse to avoid taking reasonable action.
That's called procrastination and is usually what ends up getting you stuck.
Use Your Fear as a Call to Action If what you are fear is well outside of your control.
say like a Global Financial Crisis, try planning what you'll do.
I mean the specific plan and the exact steps you should take for just in case.
The get on with your life, if you continue to worry about it and bother yourself further, if it actually happens you'll be too scared to take the steps you need to.
However if you are stuck on something that is inside you control, then action is needed.
Work out what it is that is scaring you, and just do it.
Remember action is what matters, so do whatever it is that you need to do, RIGHT NOW, so call that person, talk to that pretty girl (or boy), start that exercise program.

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