Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Understanding Infertility

Understanding the issues behind infertility will greatly help you in understanding the process of an infertility clinic should you choose to use their services. An infertility clinic provides programs for those couples that have had issues in becoming pregnant. Yet, ensuring you have done everything you can before attempting their solutions could save you time, money and headaches. After understanding the following causes of infertility if you still need treatment, an infertility clinic is the best option.

Lifestyle Factors

There are several factors in your everyday life that can affect the virility of each partner for childbirth. These personal lifestyle habits could adversely affect one or both partner's ability to conceive and they need to be addressed.

- Diet and Exercise - an overall healthy body is better able to conceive. Partners extremely overweight or underweight could cause problems in conception.

- Smoking - has been known to lower sperm counts in men and increases the risk of miscarriage or premature births in women. It has been known to lower conception rates by one-third.

- Alcohol - can greatly increase the rate of birth defects if consumed by pregnant mothers and if in enough volume can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. It also lowers sperm counts in men.

- Drugs - recreational drug use should be avoided at all costs during attempts for conception. Marijuana and steroids reduce sperm counts in men and cocaine use by woman can cause severe mental and kidney health issues for the baby and is probably the worst drug for pregnancy.

Ensuring a healthy body free from drugs, alcohol and smoking is a great step in ensuring not only conception but if need be, acceptance by an infertility clinic [].

Environmental Factors

Chemicals and toxins in the world today have been known to lower and limit the ability of both men and women to conceive. These can be found in the workplace and at home and should be avoided at all times. Some chemicals cause birth defects whereas a second group cause sterility or disorders in fertility and reproduction.

- Lead - is one of the leading causes of infertility in humans and includes deformities in sperm for men and causes artificial abortion in women.

- Radiation - repeated exposure from x-rays, chemotherapy or other medical procedures can have radical effects on the reproductive system of both men and women.

- Ethylene Oxide - used in sterilization of surgical instruments and some pesticides has been known to cause birth defects and provoke miscarriage.

- DBCP - a known ingredient in many pesticides has been linked to problems in ovaries including fertility and early onset menopause.

Always be aware of the toxins and chemicals around you to avoid contributing to conception issues.


One of the largest factors affecting conception ability in today's society is that families are waiting longer and longer to have their first child, often into middle age causing the current epidemic of fertility problems. Of one million eggs that a woman is born with, only 300 will ever be ovulated during the reproductive years. After the age of 35 the probability of success for conception decline by 50%. Try not to put off child-rearing until the 'perfect moment' in your life as your ability to conceive may not agree with your timing.

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