Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

End Your Morning Sickness Today

As a man, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman when she is pregnant..
except when she is miserably sick due to that pregnancy.
I know that for myself, as a husband, I felt so helpless to help my wife while she suffered through some of the worst morning sickness I have ever seen in my entire life.
She was nauseated constantly and even common smells would set her running for the bathroom.
I would try to comfort her and would stand in the doorway to the bathroom while she hugged the toilet...
telling her that her morning sickness was a good sign of a healthy baby.
(If you are a man I will suggest that you not say this...
it won't help her or your cause at all.
) As my wife carried our son through nine months of blissful pregnancy we tried everything.
We had crackers and saltines and ginger ale on hand at all times.
These didn't necessarily hurt but it seemed that nothing would ease the revolt that came from within.
Her OBGYN actually prescribed some medications after the first trimester that he said were safe for my wife and the baby and they did seem to help some but it seemed that nothing kept my poor dear from getting sick to her stomach every single day and the moments that she was not nauseated were few and far between.
I would like to say that I found this wonderful book and bought it for my wife but I didn't until months after our son was born..
a day late and a dollar short I guess! I know that my wife would have gladly tried anything that might have allowed her just a few hours of relief from the queasiness (at best) and up chucking that was ever present in our lives on a daily basis.
We did pick up a copy of "End Morning Sickness Today" for her sister though, almost as a gag gift since my sister in law was heading in the same direction as my wife very early on in her pregnancy.
My sister in law accepted the book with a laugh and a thank you and my wife and I didn't think much of it after that.
A few weeks later we attended a cook out over her house and noticed that my sister in law was glowing with the radiance of a young expectant mother...
while eat cheeseburgers like they were going out of style! My wife commented that she guessed the morning sickness had passed, with a nudge and a sarcastic smile.
My sister in law then told us that it was the book, "End Morning Sickness" that had helped her so much.
She had been so miserable one day that she finally read the book and used the technique in it and felt better almost immediately! My wife now recommends this book to every pregnant woman she sees and has even told her OBGYN about it.
My wife really hated taking the pills prescribed for her morning sickness and is hoping that he will recommend it to his other patients who suffer from nausea and almost debilitating morning sickness.
As for me? I'm wishing I had found this book sooner so I could have been my wife's hero through a really tough time.

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