How to Convert a Landcruiser to Propane
- 1). Secure the steel cradle in the cargo area behind the back seat and bolt in place, drilling holes for the bolts in the body. Lift the fuel tank into place in the cradle -- find another person to help you on this; you can drill through the body and run a filler tube to the tank or simply open the rear door to fill directly.
- 2). Locate the hose that sends hot coolant to the Landcruiser’s heater. Cut the hose and insert a T junction, then cut a rubber hose to go to the regulator (which converts the propane to gas), with another length of hose from the regulator. Cut the heater hose and insert a second T junction for this. Secure the regulator against the wall of the engine compartment.
- 3). Run a hose from the fuel tank to the regulator by drilling through the floor of the cab and running the hose along the frame. Install an on-off valve where the hose meets the tank to allow you to stop and start the flow of the propane.
- 4). Attach the brass reducer to the port on the regulator where the propane gas will exit, and secure with a clamp.
- 5). Attach the jet, which forces the gas into the carburetor, to the intake manifold of the carburetor (it should come with the hardware for this). Attach the hose running from the regulator to the intake of the jet and secure with a hose clamp.
- 1). Locate the gas fuel line, and cut it between the fuel pump and the carburetor, then install an on-off valve in the line, using compression fittings on either side and tightening with wrenches.
- 2). Attach one end of single-strand wire from the terminal on the regulator through to the passenger compartment of the Landcruiser and attach to one terminal of an on-off switch. Run another wire from the other terminal on the switch to an unused fuse in the car’s fusebox (your manual will show you which fuses are unused), then attach the wire with a screwdriver; turn the switch on briefly before you start to prime the convertor before you turn on the engine.
- 3). Fill the tank with propane.
- 4). Turn off the valve in the gas fuel line and start the car, letting it run until all the fuel already in the carburetor has gone and the engine dies. Open the valve to let liquid out of the propane tank, turn the on-off switch briefly to "on" to prime the converter, then switch the engine back on to run on propane.